Toxoplasmosis And Prohibited Foods In Pregnancy

The danger of some diseases that the future mother may have during pregnancy is the risk of infecting the fetus. Among these pathologies is toxoplasmosis, linked in its origin to food.
Toxoplasmosis and prohibited foods in pregnancy

There are important infections that can affect future mothers during pregnancy. Some of them can be transmitted to the fetus without manifesting themselves and have severe effects. In this case, we will talk about toxoplasmosis and prohibited foods in pregnancy.

Toxoplasmosis is a disease caused by a parasite: toxoplasma gondii. This is very common and does not cause major problems; however, in the midst of a placental infection, it can pass to the future baby.

In this sense, taking care of your diet can be key to preventing this condition. In the first place, we will know the effects that it can generate on the fetus.

Effects of toxoplasmosis on the fetus and newborn

Affected neonates can, in principle, be born prematurely and underweight. This disease can also leave scarring on the retina and jaundice; externally, this can be noticed by seeing a yellowish color on the skin. However, these are all mild manifestations.

On the other hand, there are other more serious effects, such as hydrocephalus, under which the child accumulates fluids in the brain. This, in turn, leads to increased head size and constant headaches. In addition, some neonates may experience chorioretinitis, a condition that affects the eyes.

At worst, this infection can develop into a very dangerous condition called erythroblastosis. Under this disorder, the mother produces antibodies that attack the red blood cells of the fetus. As a consequence, there will always be a probability of perinatal death.

It should be noted that the greatest risk is run by infected fetuses during the first trimester of pregnancy. It is at this stage when the transfer of the infection can be lethal for the future neonate. This is stated by a study published in Parasitology .

Sushi is another danger when it comes to toxoplasmosis and forbidden foods in pregnancy.

Toxoplasmosis and forbidden foods: beware of meats

All animals that eat grass that is contaminated with cat feces are carriers. Therefore, the sole handling of raw meats can generate a transmission of the infection to the mothers.

To avoid risks, it is always recommended to consume cured meats. Many specialists rely on the freezing process to prevent the proliferation of the parasite in pieces of meat or sausages. Anyway, among all the other animals, the pig has more risks when it comes to eating its meat.

However, not only foods of meat origin have this problem. Vegetables, fruits and vegetables have also been shown to be contaminated. For this reason, these products must be washed meticulously, especially if they are consumed raw.

Other risk foods include shellfish, fish, unpasteurized cheese and milk, and coffee. In the case of fish and shellfish, they must be washed very well and cooked properly.

Tips to avoid toxoplasmosis

An excellent recommendation is to put sushi restaurants aside during the first months of pregnancy. With regard to fish, it is recommended to eat clean pieces without guts. It is also advisable to avoid eating sausages and, if you do, always freeze them before consumption.

Risks of infection occur even when expectant mothers only handle raw meat. Therefore, a very careful hand washing must be carried out before, during and after handling.

Even the manipulation of the earth or the contact with the grass can carry certain risks. In this sense, the constant cleaning of the hands and the face acquires great importance during the first trimester of pregnancy; an antibacterial soap will be very helpful.

Likewise,  if there are cats in the house, it will be advisable to make a consultation with the veterinarian to verify that the animal is not a carrier. Really, house cats that eat dry and canned food are unlikely to harbor this parasite.

Meat is the protagonist when talking about toxoplasmosis and prohibited foods in pregnancy.

How can a pregnant woman know if she has toxoplasmosis?

Basically, there is a medical test that allows pregnant mothers to know if they are infected. This is a blood test called a toxo-test  and most gynecologists require it.

Women who do it have three possible outcomes. If negative IgG and IgM appear, it means that the pregnant woman is not a carrier and has never had it before. If the result indicates positive IgG and negative IgM, it is because it has been contracted in the past and the patient is already immune.

Ultimately, if the expectant mother is diagnosed as IgG negative and IgM positive, it means that the infectious process is in progress. In this case, other tests are carried out to know the time and extent of the infection.

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