The Generation Of The Future: Children Z And T

The new generations are largely influenced by technological advancement, but they also present other distinctive characteristics. We tell you.
The generation of the future: children Z and T

Children Z and T belong to generations after the Millennial (also known as “Generation Y” according to sociologists). Consequently, it refers to all those children whose birth has occurred since the first decade of the year 2000. These little ones are the new generation of the future.

Every replacement generation is seen as the promise of the future. Why? Because we believe that they will have access to many more (and better) resources and that, therefore, they will have more possibilities. Of course, this is closely related to the concept of technological advancement.

Children Z and T, post-millennials 

While it is true that children Z and T have similarities to children Y, it is necessary to account for the differences. Let us remember that the similarities between the two groups do not imply that they are dealing with the same issue.

Children Z and T have developed an even greater dependence on technology than their parents. This is because these children have grown up surrounded by electronic devices, mostly portable, such as: tablets, mobiles, computers, smart watches, among others.

Born in the early 2000s, most Z children are already pre-teens or teens today. They have as a common feature (derived from technological dependence) interpersonal relationships directed to the virtual environment, through the use of social networks.

Children Z and T.

Also, Z children have a very different perspective on reality than their predecessors. For example, they manifest a clear preference for individuality and a scale of values ​​oriented towards personal well-being over the common good.

Children Z and T demand more attention, are impatient (because they are used to the immediacy of technology) and have a marked disdain for discipline. Therefore, they tend to be eclectic, fickle, and unsympathetic in person.

They have a habit of phubbing . And, although they may have a lack of social commitment, this is not an unbreakable rule. Z children can try to have an “analog” life and reduce the use of electronic devices, but they do not usually maintain this action over time.

For example, they may start journaling, in a notebook, but then they may create an online blog. While it is true that they can maintain both at the same time, the technological will have a clear predominance.

Other features:

  1. They tend to make little effort, since they take everything for granted.
  2. They are even more critical than millennials and this can give the impression that they have a rougher way of relating.
  3. They do not bet on collaboration, since what they are interested in is preserving their own well-being.
  4. In education, they tend to be more visual than auditory and kinesthetic, for example.
  5. They need to consult everything. They do not take the word of others easily.
  6. They do not have a clear boundary between what is public and what is private, since they have a constant virtual presence that invites them to share their lives up to the minute.

Diversity is what prevails

Diversity is another key aspect when it comes to talking about children Z and T. Although the aforementioned characteristics may be present in most cases, this does not mean that they are all the same. Everything will depend, to a large extent, on the type of family nucleus and environment they have.

Since there is a great diversity of trends in society, children Z and T can choose which ones to adopt and which ones to discard. In this sense, it is possible that during a stage of their lives they decide to take a lifestyle and, once it stops working for them, they will adopt another.

The future of children Z and T.

What future awaits children Z and T?

Both generations can have a promising future if you help them identify and improve their faults. For this, it is necessary that their parents invest quality time.

You should not seek to imitate your predecessors for guaranteed success. But it is recommended that they make the necessary adjustments to avoid putting human values ​​at risk such as:

  • Empathy
  • The Solidarity.
  • Assertiveness.
  • The colaboration.
  • Team work.
  • And other values ​​such as: kindness, patience, respect and perseverance.
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