The Best Lullabies For Your Baby

Lullabies have multiple benefits for both mother and baby. We will tell you about them below.
The best lullabies for your baby

Traditionally, lullabies were intended to induce children to sleep while instilling a message. The melody and lyrics of the song slipped easily into the unconscious at the moment of relaxation of the child, with which, they were fixed in memory.

In this way, throughout the centuries parents took advantage of this moment to subtly introduce life teachings. Actually, this practice was considered very important for survival, since it was believed that warning children about possible dangers avoided many problems.

When we look at the lyrics of the songs, we often find narratives of pseudo-fictional events, that is, stories inspired by real life events, with a certain fictional feature in order to make them more attractive. This was the formula that was also used for stories that were narrated orally and then passed into written form.

Although the songs vary according to the geographical area and the local culture, the truth is that most of them have certain elements in common that have been progressively established over time and have been consolidated as the main characteristics of lullabies. These are:

  • Cadence. According to the Dictionary of the Spanish Language (DLE) this term refers to:
    • Rhythm or repetition of certain phenomena, such as sounds or movements, that occur with some regularity.
    • Provided Y pleasant distribution or combination from the accents Y from the  cuts or pauses , on the prose or on the verse .
    • Voice modulation that is pleasant to the ear.
  • Euphony. The DLE defines this term as follows: the pleasant sonority that results from the successful combination of the acoustic elements of the words.

What are lullabies really?

Lullabies consist of a series of sounds, melodies and harmonies that are produced at a certain frequency, following a constantly repeating pattern, destined to penetrate the ear with ease.

In a natural way, simply by using our voice, we can induce our little ones to sleep. Of course, we must bear in mind that the sound we choose to sing to it must be more or less repetitive, constant and sweet to the ear so that it can relax the other senses.

The ideal is to accompany the lullaby with very delicate pampering and a gentle rocking. In this way, we will rock the baby in our arms and we will be able to reinforce relaxation with the sense of touch. Remember that at an early age the human being responds mainly to tactile stimuli, such as hugs, caresses and cuddles.

The most popular lullabies

This is a list of the most popular lullabies in the West. Of course, its different variations are included.

Estrellita, where are you?

Scared my child

Mrs. Santana

Pin Pon

10 in bed

The chicks say 

The song of the Coco

Lullabies induce sleep.

The power of lullabies

In almost every Disney movie there is a lullaby or ballad that works well to sing to our babies. Nowadays many mothers turn to these not only because of their great popularity, but because they favor the future friendships of the baby. A specific example is the lullaby that the Cinderella character hums in his most recent film adaptation.

Growing up, you may meet more than one who has heard the same lullaby, and this will instantly create a beautiful connection. Plus who knows if they’ll even end up singing their song together and get some laughs out of it? Without a doubt, music is one of the most universal languages.

If you consider that singing is not your thing, we recommend that you at least try to hum a song. The sounds you make even if you keep your mouth closed can be pleasant and help your baby relax at bedtime. In addition, humming can be of great help in times of great stress. Don’t underestimate the power of this seemingly innocent resource… it also helps your baby feel a strong bond with you.

Songs and sounds to help children sleep

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