Teach Your Child To Take Advantage Of Time

Teach your child to take advantage of time

How to teach my child to take advantage of time? This is a complex task since it is a subject that we still disapprove of throughout life, but it is vital for the learning of all children. It is essential to teach children to value and use time to have organizational skills.

In general, the passage of time does not care for children, who consequently have a great ability to lose it, which would not be bad at all as a rest but it becomes terrible if it becomes a habit.

For this reason, mothers must instill the idea that the more they know how to use their time, the more free time they will gain to do whatever they want. Well, of course the boy must have some free time to use it at ease and piacere: to play, create, experiment, imagine.

As free time is essential for the development of the child, it is not simply about teaching them to organize their school assignments, but also to use their free time in a good way. In this way, children are responsible, organized and prepared to function with ease in their daily life.

Advantages of teaching your child to take advantage of time

When you teach the child to take advantage of time, you help him to have a good parenting where you teach behavior and conduct lessons useful for his adult life. However, this mission requires hard work, persistence, and commitment.

Also, when you teach the little one to be organized, you will see that both the child and the whole family will experience less stress and avoid moments of tension. For this reason, it is advisable to start fostering organizational skills at an early age, although it is not an easy task.

In addition, instilling in the child the importance of making the most of time has another series of advantages that should not go unnoticed:

  • You convey the value of effort.
  • You promote the notion of teamwork.
  • They develop and discover capabilities.
  • You promote good companionship.
  • You instill the value of cooperation in the family environment.
  • Instead of paying a third party for certain tasks, the child can earn their money as a reward.

    Tips to teach your child to take advantage of time

    In the first place, it is imperative that the tasks that you assign to your child so that he learns to take advantage of the time involve activities that he can enjoy or are part of his normal routine, but fundamentally that are appropriate for his age.


    A second important point is to be clear about the compensation that the child will receive for the task performed or for what is done throughout the day. Of course, it must be a stimulating and challenging object or amount of money, but one that is not out of the ordinary and, obviously, you must deliver what was promised.

    If you compensate their work with money it can have another great benefit, by defining the destination of the payment, you guide them to use the money well. For this you have two possible ways: first, that the desired output is financed with the money earned at home or that it is part of a savings to buy what you want.

    This method can be really very useful, in addition to teaching your child to take advantage of their time and encouraging them to work, you are helping them to focus on their own objective for which they do what they do and valuing money.

    What does it mean to teach how to take advantage of time?

    When you think about teaching your child to take advantage of time, we are presented with a series of doubts where what? or the how? And it is not for less, because this ability implies a series of associated capacities, and it is for this reason that this learning can be faced on several fronts.

    Teaches preparation and planning

    Good preparation, advance and thorough, completes nearly half of all work. That is why it would be interesting for you to teach your child the value of preparation, always considering a starting point and the next steps, even considering elements capable of helping him in the organization.

    Also teach him to calculate how long the complete development of his projects will take, for which you can help him create sheets or task lists, in order to optimally distribute the times until the completion of the work.


    Teaches to be consistent with your routine

    It would be good to teach your child then to be consistent and work to finish his homework. Explain to the child the importance of establishing routines to promote discipline. For this, the child will need a designated place to store their things and perform homework, as well as action schedules.

    Clearly, instilling these values ​​is not an easy mission. Even if your child is creative, imaginative, or scattered, you may need to try an alternative technique. But it is imperative that the child has the freedom to decide which works best for him.

    Teaches clear decision making

    It is common for the child to want to try everything together or do many things at the same time. As the popular saying goes, “he who covers a lot does little squeeze”, so it is necessary to help him establish priorities since decision-making is a valuable skill for his entire life.

    Faced with each dilemma that is presented to the child, you can teach him to manage a list of benefits and disadvantages of each option and to choose by putting everything on a scale. In this way the boy will learn to evaluate the options considering the temporal limitations to make the correct decision.

    How to teach to manage and take advantage of time?


    As the children of this stage are just beginning to become familiar with spatio-temporal concepts, you can bring them closer to these notions using an hourglass or one with an alarm capable of delimiting the time each activity entails.

    If you want to set a time, make sure it is reasonable so that the boys can comply and, of course, congratulate their achievements. In this way, you will collaborate in ensuring the fulfillment of certain activities in a previously established time and manner.

    Children in Primary Education

    This is the ideal phase to take a moment to talk with them about time management, its importance, and its consequences. It is that reaching eight years the child will understand perfectly what happens if he does not make good use of time.

    Adolescent children

    Again, the golden rule is “lead by example.” You can also notice the negative consequences of not taking advantage of time. At this stage, if the child does not know how to manage his time, it is possible to limit the number of hours he spends with his friends, watching television or on the Internet.

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