Teach Your Child To Discover What He Can Achieve

Teach your child to discover all that he can achieve

As a tool to develop their self-esteem, teach your child to discover everything he can achieve, this will allow you to effectively manage his potential emotional falls. Nobody safer than the one who has tested himself and with this has been able to overcome all his crises; We can help our children in everything, but the best way to help them is by teaching them to achieve it on their own.

Many times we become indispensable to children, particularly because we are dedicated to solving all their problems ; sometimes they are not just problems, but simple and routine activities. However, with this action we are limiting their functions and denying them the opportunity to feel empowered to achieve their objectives.

Children’s achievements start small, but each one becomes an important step for him and his expectations. Therefore, when we teach them to set goals and achieve them for themselves, we grant them the satisfaction of advancing in their independence and personal development.

It is not always a parent’s mistake, since we all want to see our little ones believe in opportunities; but sometimes, fear overcomes them and leaves them without alternatives. It is then when our role acquires greater dimensions, it is when we must be ready to motivate them to discover their strengths to meet new challenges.

In other words, it is about presence and action, being with them at the right time and positively influencing them to resolve their eventual conflicts. Our children are trained to achieve unsuspected things according to their age, so it is on our part to accompany them without fear of letting them experiment and take safe risks.


Teach your child to manage his wisdom

It is normal for your child to see you as his superhero, that is, the person who can solve all his doubts and needs. It is not bad that we come to the rescue and get them used in a way to trust us blindly, but  the time comes when they are forced to know themselves and all that they can achieve.

Telling them that they are small and cannot do this or that thing, unfortunately more often than we would like. Identifying their limitations more often than their strengths can make them fearful, insecure, and poorly motivated to achieve; that is why it is convenient to recognize their abilities aloud.

Listening to them, offering them our friendship and understanding, are infallible tools to maintain a balanced relationship; If they know that we believe they are capable, they will feel that they are and will try more often. Each child is born endowed with different qualities, some are more successful than others in certain aspects, but each one has talents that make them stand out; Identifying your strengths is a primary step in furthering your accomplishments.


Keys to promote your safety

Choosing the wrong activity is one of the factors we must avoid, because if we motivate him to achieve goals that are not available to him, we expose him to unnecessary failures. As adults we know what a person is capable of achieving and in particular as parents, we recognize the potential of our children; let’s direct your actions towards the right objective and prepare to be your best allies.

Other keys to favor their capacity and security to act can be.

  • Develop empathy by being right and leaving negative comparisons aside
  • Boost your self-esteem with words of encouragement and motivation; let him feel accepted for what he is, let him know that he is part of a stable and solid family
  • Promote positive discipline
  • Celebrate every achievement
  • Show how important his goals are and teach him to approach them without getting involved in the solution
  • Show interest in their activities
  • Promotes the performance of actions that represent healthy risks
  • Set clear rules so that you begin to recognize that there are limits to what is possible and allowed.

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