Soul: 5 Great Lessons For Kids

Soul is an invitation to go a little beyond our daily lives and to reflect on desires, emotions and death. It contains great lessons for children that can benefit them in their psychological and emotional development.
Soul: 5 great lessons for kids

Cinema is a very useful tool for transmitting values, stories and knowledge. There are multiple films that involve messages and lessons for children, and one of them is the recently released Soul (2020). It is a journey towards oneself, towards life, death and emotions, which invites children and adults to reflect on multiple aspects.

In the following lines we have selected 5 great lessons for children that this film leaves us. It is an ideal movie to see with the little ones in the house, with which they will have fun and, in addition, they will learn. And you, do you dare to see it?

Soul, the film that talks about life and death

Soul is an American film released in 2020. It talks about emotions and many other topics, ideal for working on different aspects of emotional intelligence in childhood. It is an animated, adventure, drama and comedy film directed by Peter Docter and produced by Pixar Animation Studios.

It tells the story of Joe Gardner, a music teacher who has a dream: to become a recognized exponent of jazz . However, before achieving his dream he suffers an accident and is immersed in a journey to the afterlife that he must travel to return to life.

In this trip you will know your past, your present and who knows if your future. You will discover feelings and emotions that you may not have known about and you will embark on a journey of awareness and personal growth.

Soul: 5 great lessons for kids

Without a doubt, Soul is one of the great Pixar revelations of recent years, as it contains great lessons for children and also for adults. We leave you some of the teachings for children of this so genuine film.

The importance of enjoying

They say the time is, right? Well, this is the first great lesson that Soul leaves us : the importance of enjoying life and the little moments, since time passes (and fast) for everyone.

Image from the movie Soul.
© Pixar Animation Studios, Walt Disney Pictures (Publisher: Disney +)

The protagonist experiences this same thing when he sees that things do not go as he expected and must face the following question: Am I really enjoying life? Teaching children this can help them focus on the present moment from a young age.

Losing the fear of taking risks, one of Soul’s lessons 

Another of the teachings of the movie Soul , useful for children and adults, is that you also learn from failure. Another lesson follows from this message: try to lose your fear of taking risks and you will achieve great things. And not material “great things”, but simply what makes each one happy.

And it is that, based on trying, several things happen throughout life: that we achieve what we propose or that we get frustrated, we learn, we lose things … And all this is a very necessary background for emotional growth in childhood .

Fight in what one believes

Another lesson that Soul leaves us is that we must fight for what we believe in, even if that harbors the possibility of failure. As we see with his protagonist, who struggles to achieve his dream, although between his idea and the achievement of his goal he must face multiple difficulties.

But he deals with them as best he can. And it is that all these difficulties are a learning opportunity that will be very useful to the little ones.

Enjoy the process

Is the result or the process that leads to it really important? Another great lesson from the movie Soul is this, through which children can reflect on the idea of ​​achieving goals and dreams.

It is very rewarding to get where we want, yes, but what about the journey to get there? It is also a source of learning, wealth and experiences that can help us face other challenges in the future.

Reflect and you will learn

Soul is a film that constantly invites us to reflect on life, death, emotions, dreams, wishes, difficulties. .. Children, even if they are children, many times have already had to face situations that perhaps they did not expect.

Soul, the movie.
© Pixar Animation Studios, Walt Disney Pictures (Publisher: Disney +)

The death of a loved one, the frustration of not getting everything the first time, the first fears … Through the story, its characters, its script, the child can ask a series of questions about all these issues and reflect on them.

And you, have you already seen it? Do you think the film provides other lessons besides these? If you have not seen it and you like movies that convey values, full of action, but with a dose of drama and comedy, Soul is a good option to watch with the little ones.

In addition, after seeing it with them, you will be able to reflect on the story of the protagonist, on what he achieves, what he wants, the difficulties he must face in order to achieve his dream … And why not say so? It is a good film to start dealing with children, naturally, topics as taboo as death or human suffering.

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