Safety Rules For Going To The Beach With Our Children

To go with the children to the beach, there are a good number of measures to consider. In practice, it seeks to eliminate risks and maximum safety for children. From the beach flags, lifeguards, hydration, etc. There are some essential tips.
Safety rules to go to the beach with our children

In the summer season, and on vacations in general, we all like to enjoy the beach with our children. It is the ideal place to spend a fun day with the family and cool off. A day at the beach is a great way to get out of our usual surroundings and break the routine of the school year.

However, in this period child accidents also increase considerably, so we must exercise extreme precautions. To go to the beach with children, it is necessary to take certain safety measures. In this way, we will avoid unnecessary risks and accidents.

If the little ones know how to swim, we will have one less worry, but it is still necessary to watch them at all times. A little oversight is enough for a serious accident to occur. Next, we will see some recommendations and safety rules to go to the beach with our children. 

Safety rules to go to the beach with our children

Protect children from the sun

When we go to the beach with our children, it is essential to protect them from the sun. Otherwise, they could get heat stroke or skin burns and end a fun day in the ER.

Mother with her son enjoying a cloudy day at the beach.

It is advisable to avoid the hours of greatest solar radiation, that is, between 12 and 16 hours. If possible, plan other types of activities during those hours that do not involve sun exposure.

Children under one year of age should stay as long as possible in the shade, under an umbrella or in a sheltered place. Children and adults should use sunscreen with an appropriate factor for their skin type. It is important to renew the cream every two hours.

Hydration is very important

When children are having fun on the beach, it is very common for them to forget to drink. And, in the heat, it is very easy for them to become dehydrated. Even more so if they are doing an activity that involves intense exercise, such as running or swimming; you need to be very careful with these issues.

Therefore, we must make the little ones drink water frequently. It is important to have a container that allows us to keep the water cold; This will help to lower the body temperature of the little ones and to refresh them.

Never lose sight of children when going to the beach

When we go to the beach with our children, we must watch over them at all times. We cannot be careless for a single moment. Even if they already know how to swim, or if they are out of the water, it is essential that an adult supervises them. If children are young and cannot swim, they must be accompanied by an adult to bathe.

When playing on the beach, children can get lost and lost. It is very easy to get misplaced. In addition to not taking your eye off them, a good precautionary measure is to put a bracelet with the name of the parents and the telephone number.

Many times, first responders can provide us with one of these monitoring devices. If we don’t have a bracelet, the easiest thing to do is write the phone number on the little one’s skin.

Parents with their children on the beach enjoying the holidays.

Life jacket

Children should not go into the water alone. In addition to teaching them to swim as soon as possible, they need to wear a life jacket while they don’t know how to do it yet.

Be careful with other types of materials that do not fit well and can run off. Inflatable mats or floats are not safe and are dangerous because they give a false sense of security. It is better to avoid them.

Follow official recommendations

The lifeguards and the person responsible for beach safety issue a series of recommendations that we must follow and teach our children. This will help us avoid possible drowning and accidents. If there is a red flag, bathing is totally prohibited. This flag color indicates that the sea is rough and there is a great risk of drowning.

The yellow flag tells us that we must be careful, that is, that we can bathe, but avoid going too far from the shore. This is generally due to the presence of currents or strong waves. This color is also used to warn of the presence of jellyfish in the water.

Finally, the green flag is the one we all want to see. The authorities tell us that there is no danger and that the sea is in ideal conditions for bathing. This is the most suitable situation for children to safely enjoy a day at the beach.

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