Reading Feeds Children’s Imagination And Dreams

Reading feeds children's imaginations and dreams

Incredibly, the imagination is a quality that the child has highly developed since childhood, but unfortunately, sometimes, over the years, it is lost; That is why feeding your child’s imagination and dreams is a constant, everyday task. Doing so is very positive because it stimulates, among other aspects, the intellectual and emotional progress of your baby.

It is enough to remember how we adults used our imagination as children, to realize that this scientific premise is very true. As children we could build a house with wooden drawers and feel that it was a palace.

We could look at the planes, and at the same time feel like you were up there, flying in the plane. If the grass in the garden was high and we could enter and feel that it was an incredible jungle full of animals … All this happened in our imagination thanks to reading. So don’t forget, reading stimulates creativity in children to the fullest.

Reading is vital to let your imagination fly

For those in the know, there is a relationship between stories, education, and imaginative thinking. The power of history over children’s imaginations and dreams is very strong.

At this age, a child feels that anything is possible, that happens because there are few limits in his mind; However, many children as they reach a few more years limit their imagination.

boy flying with book

This can be counteracted by a childhood filled with a lot of reading, in which your imagination is fed in a positive way; This way you will not be like a regular adult who has to work hard to rebuild his imaginative faculties.

The importance of literature for the imaginative development of the child is as vital, as is play. If you don’t believe it, know the response of a child who was asked why he liked a story so much that his mother read to him, and who responded immediately: Because they draw me what I think. In addition, feeding the imagination of your children with stories or tales can bring great benefits.

Benefits of reading and dreams in children

  • It awakens the emotions in the child and teaches him to connect with them, to identify them. But in addition to that, it is important that he can express them freely, for example, if after reading a story about spaceships you see him playing the pilot of one of those ships, don’t worry; rather let it fly in its space and world of dreams.
  • This exercise also of letting your imagination fly will lead you to ask yourself questions : You will better question everything you read and you will never miss the opportunity to put into practice all that creativity that will awaken little by little.
  • The child’s vocabulary increases in a positive and significant way as they read, you can start with texts of words of everyday use and then go up the range of books with more cultured language and if possible, support this part with the help of a dictionary .
  • It will make writing easier for you. The child who is instilled in the habit of reading correctly from an early age will find it much easier to write. There are many cases of children who reach kindergarten at the age of 5 and 6 who can read and even write.

    Reading, apart from imagination, stimulates and expands the child’s general cultural knowledge, which makes his transition through primary school easier.

    Feeding your imagination helps you feed your child’s

    The life that any adult leads today is very likely to atrophy the imagination, as it happens with any muscle that is not used. To rebuild it and put it to work, it is necessary to carry out exercises feeding it by reading stories, watching pictures, listening to music, and trying writing. These kinds of imaginative days also feed the soul.

    The constant contact with nature is one of the greatest sources of inspiration to obtain imagination and creativity. Contemplating the sea, looking at the flowers, observing the flight of birds, admiring the colors of the sunset, among other experiences, are the best contact we can achieve to feed dreams. When you do it with your child, you help him express his emotions and begin to connect with himself.

    Don’t let time go by and start to encourage your child in the good habit of reading. It is a fact, children love that their parents read something to them, so take advantage of this now, it is time to find a space every day and give this gift to your child.

    Educating happy and healthy children is the task of parents, and the challenge of turning their world into one of dreams and imagination can be supported by a good book, do not miss the tools that life provides, to give them what best.

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