Punishment In Children With ADHD

Punishment in children with ADHD

Parents must be attentive to the behaviors of our little ones, both at home and in other settings, to be able to correct what is not appropriate. However, there are rare cases where the same correction method should not be applied, such as with punishment in children with ADHD.

Little ones with ADHD, which stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, should be treated with a deeper love, so that they do not feel pressured to learn some rule or activity . In this sense, mom and dad should seek professional advice, to guide them.

Punishing a child with ADHD only reinforces negative behaviors

According to experts, systematic punishment in them is totally inefficient and causes permanent damage to their development, because they have difficulties in retaining some instruction and putting it into practice. These little angels have a hard time differentiating what is good or not, so a punishment  it is an inefficient measure.

They are restless by nature and people who are unaware of this reality associate this way of being with bad behavior . Therefore, they are often punished or scolded excessively, for no apparent reason. The consequence: a regrettable habit of punishment.

Obviously, this situation is quite complex for the family, but there is nothing that union and understanding cannot solve.

What are children with ADD like?


This disorder is complex and can be confused with other problems. Next, we will show you the most common situations experienced by children with ADHD:

  • They have no sense of time
  • Easily forget
  • They say the first thing that comes to mind
  • They do not carry out their goals
  • They don’t grasp the rules
  • Lack of attention
  • Punishment does not work for them to learn about good behavior
  • Difficulty remembering past experiences
  • They don’t think before they act
  • Restlessness is common
  • The consequences do not leave them a learning
  • If a reaction is expected from them, they don’t understand it
  • You have to push them to achieve basic goals

If you think your child meets most of these conditions, don’t hesitate to speak to a child psychologist.

Understand the TDHA

When a young child suffers from this disorder, it is very likely that the family feels disoriented, the heart fills with fear and worry surrounds the home, until a possible solution is found. If this is the case with your little one, we can tell you that you have nothing to fear and you only need to maintain the strength to give your hand.

Acknowledge your positive actions, so you can differentiate between the good and the bad

Of course, you will need a little help from the specialists to know what you should do to propel them towards a good destination, despite the difficulties . Remember: do not despair and move on with the love of your life.


sad little girl

We are sure that together you can move forward, that is why we want to present you a series of recommendations to see you conquer your own happiness:

  • You value their positive behaviors that often go unnoticed and feel like they get paid attention when they do something negative. Consequently, they believe that they can attract attention with these actions.
  • Look for spaces for interaction that know the characteristics of the TDHA . Schools, teachers, activities and special itineraries for these little angels with a restless spirit.
  • The feeling of disorientation and ignorance will not allow you to help your baby. Find out, talk with people who live this same reality and clarify your doubts in time.
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder does not manifest itself in the same way in all young people , because the symptoms are different and can be influenced by personal and environmental conditions. Therefore, you have to know the techniques for each particular case.
  • Teach him to internalize the learning processes with routines that motivate the use of the imagination , think aloud, repeat instructions, etc.

Being a parent is a difficult task, which takes many efforts. And, if you also have this disorder, the sacrifices are much greater. Faced with this truth, do not forget that your best tool to overcome this scenario appeared from the moment you knew it was going to be born: love .

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