Newborn Babies With Colic, What To Do?

In the following article, we put at your disposal some keys to understand and alleviate the famous colic of newborn babies. In addition, we tell you everything you need to know about this type of pain: causes, symptoms and possible solutions.
Newborn babies with colic, what to do?

Colic is a typical disorder of the first months of a baby’s life characterized by intense and recurrent crying with no apparent cause. The cases of newborn babies with colic are not worrisome, although it is necessary that parents know how to calm the little one.

This crisis usually occurs at the same time of day, usually in the afternoon or after the bottle. Colic is also quite common in babies from 0 to 6 months.

It is often of great concern to parents, especially when it comes to their first baby. But what to do in the face of tears or crying and how to alleviate it?

Follow these tips to soothe colicky newborn babies. Even if no medicine has been shown to be effective, many simple actions can soothe the baby.

Newborn babies with colic, how to calm them?

When the baby is colicky, crying can be accompanied by certain characteristic behaviors. Newborn babies with colic suffer from spasmodic abdominal pain that is triggered in bouts of intense crying and a state of agitation, accompanied by gas emissions. Her face turns red, her fists clench, and her legs bend over her swollen belly.

Colic is not a disease, but rather a description of a behavior. The only real associated symptom is intense crying.

Therefore, there is no radical treatment, since the origin is unknown. However, we must not stop looking for ways to relieve the baby. We offer you some tips to alleviate your discomfort:

1. Move it gently

A good option is to give him a hot bath or something to suck on —  bottle, pacifier — as this tends to calm him down. Keep the environment very quiet around the baby and lower the light in his room.

Newborn babies with colic have intense crying spells.

2. Give him an abdominal massage

Place a hot water bottle on your baby’s stomach and rub it gently. You can try an abdominal massage with a little almond oil to promote a gentle touch.

Always massage in a clockwise direction. This method also helps the baby to eliminate intestinal gas.

3. Make a hot water bottle

The heat helps to relax the intestines and relieve spasms. Prepare a hot water bottle surrounded by a towel and then insert it under the baby’s belly to calm him down.

4. Find a balanced diet

Feed the baby more often, but in small amounts; so you can reduce colic. You must leave a correct interval between feedings — two hours minimum. Give her nothing but milk and especially avoid fruit juice.

 5. Formula milk

Prepare the baby’s bottle well so that it does not contain too much powder and respect the appropriate amounts of water. Next, we recommend giving it to him slowly, in a calm and relaxed environment.

Also, consider a change of milk with the prior agreement of the doctor. Avoid giving him two different milks, as they will be more difficult to digest.

6. Stand in an upright position during breastfeeding

To prevent the baby from swallowing too much air during breastfeeding, it is advisable to install it in as vertical a position as possible. In addition, it is a good option to opt for a smaller bottle to prevent it from filling with air unnecessarily.

7. Help him burp

Burping has a significant influence on the appearance of colic. Therefore, it is necessary to take the time to help the baby to have a bowel movement after each meal.

For example, you can gently pat the baby’s back with his head on your shoulder, or massage the baby’s lower back when he is sitting up to help him burp.

Anti-colic massages for your baby can relieve you of this painful discomfort.

8. Pay attention to your diet

In the case of breastfeeding, avoid consuming too much yogurt and white cheeses, as they pass into the milk and are absorbed by the baby. These dairy products contain large amounts of cow’s milk protein that could be the source of colic in the baby.

Also, avoid eating cabbage, broccoli and other salads that cause gas and do not consume too many sodas, sweets, alcohol or tobacco.

In short, this list of tips to alleviate the pain of newborns with colic will surely help you. Remember that it is very important that you remain calm at all times and that you know how to reassure the little one. If you’re concerned that it could be a bigger problem, don’t hesitate to see your doctor.

How to calm a colicky baby

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