Mom, Talk To Me Softly And Teach Me The Language Of Emotions

Mama, talk to me softly and teach me the language of emotions

Mom, talk to me softly to calm me down, so that I can grow with your affection, with your good work. Mom, talk to me beautifully so that I can start in the world of emotions as soon as possible, so that fear is not part of me and I can discover the world feeling loved at all times.

These ideas would undoubtedly summarize many of your purposes as a mother, as a father and as anyone who cares about ensuring the proper development of a child. Because we believe it or not, the voice is a tool of power in the maturation of a baby, it is the channel through which he himself will establish not only language, but also his emotional world.

The voice and gestures are key aspects to establish an adequate connection with our children. So much so, and we cannot forget this, that babies understand concepts, ideas and words long before they begin to communicate. The emotions that we transmit to them with our tone of voice sometimes have more power than a word. It is enough to raise the tone and a baby is scared and crying is triggered.

However, speaking in whispers, in a close, affectionate way and knowing how to “caress” with the voice, generates in children a wonderful calm that has a very positive impact on their development. These are important data that we want to share with you in “You are mom”.

We are sure that they will be of interest to you and that you are already putting them into practice with your own children.

Mama, talk to me softly, talk to me whenever you can

mom with baby emotions

If we tell you that a baby prefers the voice of its mother to that of any other person, it should not surprise you. Throughout its development in the womb and as the auditory pathways of the fetus develop, it is the mother’s voice that it will perceive at all times.

In fact, and as several studies have shown, after birth a child, even though it is premature, can identify the voice of its mother and even discriminates against it from among other voices. So much so, that it has even been shown that when a newborn feels covered by his mother’s voice, even his oral feeding is improved by enhancing the sucking movement.

It is without a doubt something wonderful.

Mom’s voice has power

Mom’s voice has the power to calm stress by lowering blood cortisol levels. Now, it is important to remember once again that this therapeutic and relaxing influence only works if the tone of voice is relaxed, affectionate and warm.

  • The screams generate alarm and fear. A baby that grows up in a family context where screaming abounds, develops maladaptive behaviors and an emotional disconnect from his parents. You will see them with fear or feel rejection towards them.
  • Furthermore, we cannot forget that many of those behaviors that surround a child are the same that he himself will put into practice in the future. If a child is yelled at, sooner or later he will yell back.

If Mom has a power of attorney, she must use it well. Your voice is that familiar channel for the newborn that should serve as a guide every moment since it arrives in the world.

Talk to him softly, in his ear, tell him how much you love him and how special he is. It doesn’t matter that they don’t understand you, because what every baby does understand is the language of emotions. An affectionate whisper is like food for your heart. A scream is like a wound in your brain. We must take great care of these aspects.

mom with baby emotions

Voice and tone create an emotional imprint on the baby’s brain

According to a study published in the journal “Knowing Neurons”, the voice of mothers activates the anterior prefrontal cortex of babies, as well as the left posterior temporal region. All this favors the specialization in the language of children to learn to speak.

Daniel Abrams, a neurobiologist at Stanford University School of Medicine, demonstrated how babies are able to react positively to a mother’s voice versus that of a stranger in less than a second. It is something magical, something that leaves an imprint on the baby’s brain and will stay with him for life: it is a great bond.

In fact, scientists dare to say that most of us carry our mother’s voice in the neural patterns of our brain . So let us try that our children have that imprint associated with positive emotions, linked to that strength and that ever-present affection with which, to grow day by day with maturity, self-esteem and wisdom.

mom with baby emotions

Speak to him softly, speak to him with the language of infinite affection, there where never to resort to shouting, to that tired voice that he does not appreciate, that does not attend and that he neglects. Be like you are, a person full of happiness who worries every day to offer the best to your child.

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