Milk, Cheese, Yogurt? Choose The Best Dairy For Your Child

Milk, cheese, yogurt?  Choose the best dairy for your child

We all know how important calcium is for bone development. So it is also very important for the general development of children. Dairy products are rich in calcium and other nutrients, and that is why it is essential that from 2 years of age they drink half a liter of milk a day. Or instead of milk, other dairy products are a good idea. Next we are going to see what is the best dairy to give our children.

Babies only need milk for the first few months. The best is maternal milk, but if it cannot be artificial milk, this will be their food until they are 6 months old. From this age on, other products should be taken for normal and healthy growth.

The best dairy for kids


Milk from 12 months onwards they have to drink whole, that is, with all the fat. They grow fast, but have small stomachs and have to eat high-calorie foods. And at these ages, with some exceptions, cholesterol has no risk for them. In addition, the fat in milk makes vitamin A and D absorbed better.

From the age of three, it is recommended that they drink cow’s milk with less fat, semi-skimmed, rather than taking growth milk.

The growth milks contain semi-skimmed milk and vegetable fats. They add sugar or honey to make them taste better, since the vegetable fats they contain change the flavor. This can be harmful because it can promote tooth decay. Also, it makes them get used to this sweet taste and they no longer want normal milk.


Yogurts can be given from 6 months, but it is much better if they are not consumed until one year of age due to the protein issue. The best options are the natural ones, since they do not contain any sweetener, sugar, etc. Thus they do not get used to a sweet taste, in addition to favoring the appearance of cavities.

As for “My first yogurt”, it should also start from 12 months, although it says that it can be given from 6. This yogurt is the same as the normal ones, only it contains more vitamins and minerals.

The cheese

The cheese can also be offered from 12 months. It is recommended to start with fresh and tender cheese. In addition, we must pay attention to that it is made with pasteurized milk to avoid some diseases, which are transmitted when cheese made with unpasteurized milk is taken.

Liquid dairy

Dairy products drunk “danonino”, for example, are very fashionable. But with these liquid yogurts, more yogurts, milk, cheese, the children are taking an excess of proteins. The Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU) analyzed these dairy products and concluded that they had very poor quality fats, for which they recommended that they take it only once a week.

Custard, custard, rice pudding, mousse and other sugary desserts

These purchased products do not usually have eggs as the traditional recipe indicates, but rather thickeners, sugars and colorants. They are not yogurts and they are less healthy than these. They are high in sugar and should not replace a glass of milk or plain yogurt.

If we want our little ones to have milk or flan, it is better to prepare them with ingredients that we have at home. You also have to make them homemade, they are much healthier than those bought in supermarkets.


Curd is also a highly recommended dairy for children due to its high nutritional value. The recommended amount of calcium per day, according to age:

  • Children 1 to 3 years: 700 mg / day.
  • Children 4 to 8 years: 1,000 mg / day.
  • Boys and adolescents from 9 to 18 years: 1,300 mg / day.

To obtain these values, it is recommended to consume between 3 and 5 glasses of milk, yogurts, cheeses or recipes with dairy products to cover the necessary amounts of calcium.

Final considerations for choosing the best dairy

First of all, do not assume that every grocery sold in stores and supermarkets is healthy. You have to pay close attention to its composition and, if it is not acceptable, choose to prepare the different foods at home at home, in order to provide the best milk for children.

Second, do not saturate children with dairy products. After all, there are also plant-based alternatives that not only have great nutritional value but are easy to digest.

Finally, it must be taken into account that, although the glass of cow’s milk has been an icon in the collective memory when it comes to “growing up healthy and strong,” the key is really to maintain a balanced diet, in which all food groups are present in their proper measure.

What are growth milks?

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