Lack Of Affection Retards The Growth Of Children

Many times the psychological and physical aspects are closely linked, and this is the case! Learn how affection influences fair growth in this article.
Lack of affection retards the growth of children

The lack of affection retards the growth of children,  whatever the age of the minors.

In you are mom, we decided to open a space for the topic.

The important relationship between affection and children’s growth

It is known that in the early stages of life the affection that a baby receives affects the synapse that occurs in his brain.

If the stimuli that come to you are positive, so will your experiences. In the same way, it happens in the opposite case.

An unhappy, neglected, inattentive child; who must guarantee his own safety and is lacking in affection, will not have the same neuronal and emotional development as a minor who receives the love of his parents.

Therefore, before bringing a child into the world, every mother, and the family in general, must be aware of how much dedication and affection must be given to the new child.

But the inhibition of affection not only has consequences on emotions and neuronal connections, it also hinders the normal growth of a minor.

Let’s be clear that the lack of affection inhibits the functioning of the endocrine system. The endocrine system is made up of a group of organs and tissues that are responsible for secreting the hormones that the body needs to function properly.

These hormones that travel through the bloodstream to travel throughout our body are responsible for various functions, including growth.

However, when a child does not receive the love and attention that they need from their parents, they become depressed, stressed, and stress directly inhibits the production of growth hormone.

Inhibition of somatotropin, as this hormone is also called, results in a slowdown in the child’s growth.

Lack of affection retards the growth of children


When we talk about growth retardation, this means that a child has a body weight and height below what children of his age should normally be.

Stunting is a problem that, for the good of minors, can be easily diagnosed by pediatricians and treated with medication.

Despite this, its solution, like other disorders that affective deprivation generates, can and should be amended by the minor’s own family.

It should be taken into account that the lack of love generates many emotional disorders in a child.

Rebellion, anxiety, low self-esteem … and many others that can be corrected and, above all, prevented.


How to avoid stunting of a child?

Here are some tips:

  • Love your child from day one
  • Spend as much time as you can
  • Share his games with him
  • Be his confidant
  • Help him solve his problems every time he asks you to
  • Do not evade their concerns and questions. No matter how intrusive they may be
  • Educate him in values
  • Don’t put off activities or conversations that interest them
  • Never resort to violence or disrespect when they have discrepancies
  • Teach him the importance of affection for the physical and emotional health of humans. But do not do it just by reading what the most experienced literature says, do it with direct affection: kisses, skin-to-skin brushing, hugs …
  • Always take care of it, but be careful not to fall into overprotection. Let him make his own mistakes
  • Take their opinions into account. For nothing in the world do you minimize their criteria
  • Do not compare it with the others. Your son is unique and as unique he is great; with the qualities and skills you have
  • Encourage good lifestyle habits. The love of reading, outdoor activities …
  • Always be their example. Remember that especially during his first years of life he will imitate you
  • Guarantees their physical integrity, food, medical care, education and everything to which as a human being and a child they have the right
  • Build his self-esteem, self-esteem, and self-confidence.

    Mom, remember that little care and lack of attachment can negatively influence the emotional and physical development of your child. Always keep it in mind.

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