Know Everything About The Enterovirus

Know all about the enterovirus

As parents we will never want our children to get sick, and to avoid this we are capable of doing the impossible. Our efforts are important, but we will not always be able to keep them away from this reality, because their immune system is not so strong to fight, for example, the enterovirus.

This group of viruses is very common and, in most cases, they only involve mild discomfort. They belong to the Picornaviridae family, which means “small beak” and “rna” for ribonucleic acid. Due to their characteristics, they are divided into four main subgroups:

  • Aphthovirus.  It is an animal pathogenic virus.
  • Cardiovirus.  Like the previous one, it does not have human origin.
  • Enterovirus.  Poliovirus, Coxsackievirus A1-A24, Coxsackievirus B1-B6, Echovirus 1-34, and Enterovirus 68-71.
  • Rhinovirus.   They are sub-classified from 1 to 100.

    Although these data are a bit difficult to understand, it is important that we know the diversity of this virus that attacks relentlessly, especially the smallest of the house. Each of these types generates a different discomfort and has a particular treatment.


    Symptoms caused by enterovirus

    Mom and Dad should watch out for the baby and stay alert for any difference in behavior. This is the first exam we do to our little ones and what will drive them to take them to the doctor in a timely manner.

    Enteroviruses are transmitted through respiratory secretions (cough, mucus, sneezing) or by the oral-fecal route. Children who live in poor conditions and do not have access to good hygiene are more likely to be infected with this virus.

    Probably, nothing will take away your worry about the existence of these agents. However, it  is essential to maintain certain habits and not delay the immunization of our children, through vaccination.

    Enterovirus is transmitted by oral-fecal route or respiratory secretions

    Let’s learn to recognize the presence of enteroviruses and see what are the symptoms caused by these small invaders:

    • General discomfort
    • Slight fever
    • Nasal congestion
    • Digestive discomfort
    • Mouth sores
    • Rashes

    Enteroviruses, which are called polio, are responsible for some diseases such as pharyngitis, gastroenteritis, abdominal pain, diarrhea or cold .  There are more complex scenarios with disorders such as aseptic meningitis, encephalitis,  or myelitis (causes problems in the spinal cord).


    How is it treated?

    Currently, the most dangerous serotypes for health are A71 and D68. Experts insist that the warning signs are tremors, drowsiness, lightheadedness, headaches and fever. If your baby presents this picture, do not hesitate to call the pediatrician immediately.

    There is still no vaccine for all types of enterovirus, so the best way to prevent it is to maintain certain habits such as washing our hands after changing the diaper or helping him in the bathroom, covering our mouth when coughing or sneezing, using a tissue , etc.

    If you see that your child feels bad, call your pediatrician immediately, he will know how to guide you

    Learn more about poliovirus

    It is one of the most complicated diseases that affects children, because its main consequence is paralysis in the lower limbs of the body. When they are infected, they do not present specific manifestations, which worsens the situation by not being able to address the problem.

    The effect of paralysis rapidly influences the body, compromising some muscles and decreasing motor skills. Recovery can occur between 18 months to 3 years, but can be left with certain displacement difficulties.

    So far, there is no therapy for polio that helps improve these cases, although hope remains with certain studies that are still in development. Therefore, as parents we have an enormous responsibility to protect them every second with much love. 

    Mom and Dad have to recognize any risk factors and listen carefully to the advice of the pediatrician. Do not be scared if your baby has any discomfort, on the contrary, seek timely advice and follow the recommendations given by the doctors.

    The world is immersed in millions of viruses, to which our children must be exposed in order for their immune systems to evolve. The important thing is that we always keep control of the situation, take care of cleanliness and teach them not to be in contact with polluting and dangerous elements.

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