Is Your Son Aggressive? How To Treat It

Is your son aggressive?  How to treat it

It is never easy to handle the aggressiveness of other people, especially when it comes to a loved one; sometimes love blinds us to wrong behavior, which is doubled for our children. In order to help children overcome their aggressiveness, we must begin by accepting that they have a problem and being serious about it.

It is normal for some children to have aggressive behavior at some stage, but we should never be careless in this matter; It is advisable to watch that it does not exceed or that it is a persistent behavior. To start guiding them from childhood, we need to teach them to respect their parents and siblings.

We can only speak of treatment against aggression when it is a problem that has passed into the hands of a professional; But it is entirely possible to treat these cases at home, because it is the task of parents to guide positive behavior in children.

Specialists have determined that aggressive behavior is generally the product of learning, that is, it is not born with the child. In this sense, if we want to prevent this behavior from progressing, it is necessary that parents take responsibility for this fact.

To control the aggressiveness of our children, it is important to evaluate where you are learning that behavior ; if it is at home, with colleagues or some electronic means Once the source is determined, we can act to modify this behavior.

How to treat your aggressive child?


The main thing is to identify the problem and have a record of how it manifested the behavior, what it does, how it expresses it, and under what circumstances it frequently acts. To continue, it  is necessary to be objective in our assessments, something that allows us to recognize the mistakes of the children and our own.

Aggression in children can be controlled, but you have to be constant and firm; It is not something that will be solved overnight, but it does have a solution. To ensure we address this issue correctly, we can begin by addressing these recommendations.

1. Avoid physical punishment

Parents often resort to physical punishment to correct their children, but this has a negative influence on them, because we are falling into the same aggressiveness that we want to reprimand. If we have already done so, they may have learned aggressiveness from ourselves.

2. Teach them other negotiation methods

Our children may be trying to defend themselves and don’t know how to do it; therefore, we must make sure that they are aware of other ways to solve their problems. Teach them to negotiate, self-control and seek avenues for dialogue.

3. Help them channel their energy

Perhaps your aggressiveness is the result of the accumulation of emotions, perhaps excess energy or frustration, so it is important to identify the cause of this and help it to be channeled in a positive way.

Some families have found it helpful to put their children into sports, such as martial arts, which allows them to drain excess energy and create discipline.


4. Evaluate your group of friends

Children often have to imitate the behavior of their peers, if they are aggressive, it is very likely that he acted like them.

It is always important to make sure who our children’s friends are and keep them away from those who negatively influence them.

5. Promote fellowship

You can try to bring it closer to other children so that together they can carry out activities, these should encourage teamwork and the development of common interests.

It is important to teach them that you can achieve better things when you live in harmony with other people, because you may not have known how to do it before. Aggressive children usually do not see the positive aspects of other children, so they should be helped to see them.

6. Encourage appropriate behavior

It is important that the child knows that a positive behavior is recognized, that is why the parents of an aggressive child must be attentive to the progress of this, in order to be able to stimulate it in its evolution.
Not all stimuli should be material, because it is not about reward or punishment; You can recognize him with sweet words, praise, and hugs.

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