Is There Really A Maternal Instinct?

The maternal instinct refers to that relationship that exists between a mother and a child that unites them in a special way. Some claim that it is a norm of society, others that it is a natural instinct. Find out why it’s such a hotly debated topic.
Does the maternal instinct really exist?

Social norms dictate that women must marry and have children. When it comes to the arrival of children, much has been debated whether the maternal instinct really exists. It has also been a matter of debate whether the desire to be a mother comes from culture or, on the contrary, obeys a biological mandate. We invite you to discover the arguments of people who think that the maternal instinct is an invention and those who argue otherwise.

What is the maternal instinct?

For the defenders of its tangibility, it is defined as the bond or the relationship that exists between a mother and her child. Hormonal changes are presumed to play a key role in the appearance of this feeling even in the early stages of pregnancy. Also, there are a lot of women who say they have felt it, or feel it, even if they do not have children. Also, there are psychological and physical factors that help the appearance of this link. For example, after an adoption.

The maternal instinct also refers to that personal relationship between mother and child that lasts over the years. This helps children to be cared for, protected, pampered and loved regardless of age. Hence, it is conceived as a necessary feeling for human survival.

The maternal instinct: myth or reality?

Every woman is naturally prepared to be a mother. However, motherhood is a personal decision. A lot of girls have voluntarily given up being a mom, to dedicate themselves to other things that they are passionate about. Or, because they just don’t want it. Now, if it is understood that the maternal instinct is a universal feeling that must appear in all women, it could be a myth.

On the other hand, there are the biological and hormonal factors that accompany this type of feeling. An example of this is the action of prolactin and oxytocin. Also, the changes that occur in the brain when a woman is pregnant. All this, added to the physical contact with the child, automatically awakens a love and interest not only in the mother. This interest is defined by some experts as a survival instinct.

The maternal or survival instinct

For those who oppose the maternal instinct, they point out that this relationship that appears between mother and child is called the survival instinct. This is because the human is a social being that depends on others, especially the family, to be able to develop. However, unlike animals that raise their cubs and then leave them behind, humans maintain love regardless of their children’s attitudes.

That is why those who see the maternal instinct as a reality agree that it is part of human survival. Although in many women it appears before they become mothers, it worsens with childbirth, breastfeeding and adoption. It is also possible that this instinct is diminished by emotional aspects such as postpartum depression and fears imposed by society.

The decision to be a mother

Being a mother is a personal decision that is weighed based on a woman’s emotional, mental, physical and financial stability. Today, unfortunately, there are still some cultures where motherhood is an imposed mandate. Well, because for that the ladies are women. However, the changes that are faced with motherhood must be evaluated in depth, since it affects every part of life.

In any case, the decision must be for each woman. She must make the decision that will lead her to be happy. The human being can be very complex and can mold his thoughts to what culture and religious beliefs dictate.

Entrepreneurial mothers face great challenges.

In conclusion, whether the maternal instinct really exists or is a myth is an issue that is still under debate. The defenders affirm that it is a reality that women experience before or when they become mothers. Its detractors believe that it is a reaction to the pressures of culture and a means to guarantee survival. Beyond the opinions that exist, the woman is free to decide whether to be a mother or not. There is also the possibility that you will find your personal fulfillment in other facets of your life.

Maternal instinct, tenderness and emotional intelligence

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