I Want To Be A Mother, Will I Be Ready?

I want to be a mother, will I be ready?

A hundred years ago, motherhood was an imposed situation. It was considered that by the mere fact of being a woman, one was already born by and to have children. Today, fortunately, we can choose what we really want. And I, with all its pros and cons, I want to be a mother.

I remember when I was little I loved to play with dolls. He loved taking care of them, feeding them, and taking them out for walks. I felt responsible and mature, and did not hesitate to scold them when they did mischief. She was very small, but she already knew she was born for it.

“Mom, I want to be a mother” I told her. He smiled at me and told me that he was still too young to know what he wanted. I still had to grow up, study and discover myself. Then you could make the best decision.

I want to be a mother but … how do I know if I am ready?

Many years have passed since that. I have lived countless experiences, I have met many people and I have discovered what I want in life. My dreams are somewhat different. It is true that among my priorities now is to find a good job and perform professionally, but I continue to maintain my position.

I want to be a mother, after all this time. I still want to have my baby in my arms; hear him call me “mom”, observe his first steps and comfort him when necessary.

I want to be a mother and I would like to learn before I am

But over the years, not only have my desires increased, but also my fears. Fears that didn’t even cross my mind when I was a child.  What if I’m not a good mother? What if he doesn’t love me? Could something go wrong? ” . There are many questions that arise in this regard. Questions that no one, not myself, can answer yet.

I don’t know if I’m ready, or if one day I will be. I ask my friends and family and they all tell me the same thing: “you never know when you are ready.” Simply, each one tries to bring out the best of herself and do the best she can.

Motherhood makes me feel a great illusion

Despite all the fears mentioned above, the emotion of being a mother is much more powerful. Feeling the baby moving inside me is one of the most wonderful dreams in the world. I do not care about the discomfort or pain of childbirth: seeing the face of my newborn son will deserve all that suffering.

I know that long sleepless nights await me, because the child will cry or will not want to sleep. There will be stages in which I feel very tired and overwhelmed, and even stress can take me away. I am human and aware that being a mother is not an easy task.

Many women believe that bringing children into the world is something simple, an experience in which happiness is present 24 hours a day. Unfortunately, when you become a mother you discover that not everything is rosy.

Some of them fall into postpartum depression; others, in a state of bovarism that they end up paying with their own children. This is because the role of motherhood has always been mythologized for us, without telling us that, although the lights are much brighter than the shadows, the latter continue to exist.

Being aware that as mothers we will have bad days is something that needs to be learned. It does not make us bad people or evil mothers, on the contrary. Knowing what our limitations are, making mistakes and falling a thousand times will be much more didactic than any well-intentioned advice.

I will love my son without reservation

To be a mother you do not need to have a great preparation, your son will teach you everything you need to know

I will love my son above all things. I plan to support him in everything and make him feel safe by my side. I will teach him to respect others and to believe in himself. It is true that I will not be able to prevent certain things from happening to him in life, but like everyone else he will learn to get up.

I will never humiliate him or make him feel inferior. I will scold and punish him when he does the wrong thing, but I will explain why. I will not be one of those mothers who do not listen to their children because they have better things to do. I will always be ready to listen and advise you.

I know that I cannot be a perfect mother, but I also know that I can be a good mother. I will not try to pretend to be what I am not and I will try not to make a tragedy of the mistakes I make. Everything has an arrangement in this life, and with an education based on love, respect and effort, nothing can go wrong.

With my son I gained a louder laugh and a brighter smile

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