How To Help A Child Who Has Repeated A Grade?

School failure is a true social problem that is approached from different points of view. Initially, efforts and communication between parents, teachers, educational institutions and the administration are essential.
How to help a child who has repeated a grade?

When a student does not reach the level required for promotion, action must be taken . How to help a child who has repeated a grade? Different strategies aim to overcome this difficult moment for the student, their parents and teachers.

Repeat, a tragedy?

When a child repeats the year, it is associated with laziness, low intelligence or emotional problems. Generalities, however, are never good; an immature child may need to brush up on that knowledge to ensure better performance in the future. Dyslexia, hyperactivity or attention deficit can be the causes.

For schools, the repetition of students in courses can also be a problem. They must justify it to the authorities and, if they are subsidized, their income is reduced.

In some cases, to avoid these problems, students with low GPAs are promoted to the next grade. It is neglected, in these cases, if this can represent an almost certain failure in the immediate challenge.

Demotivation, another cause

Demotivation is a common cause of school failure; the child does not want to study and must repeat. In all these cases, orientation is essential.

To detect whether he should stay or can advance to the next level, the teacher must have an active participation. The valuation of the child or adolescent as a person, beyond their knowledge, is fundamental.

Parents must understand the different causes related to emotionality, which must be analyzed but not always punished; the sanction is the right way in many opportunities.

It is up to the school, more than the parents, to define the strategies to help a child who has repeated a grade. The pedagogical and psychological reinforcement are usually the tools for their reincorporation in the classrooms, but the evaluations on the case must be done together.

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It is also convenient to study the requirements of each case. If the child is not able to perform in that school in which his parents or siblings attended, it may be healthy to analyze a transfer.

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The fear of failure is another assessment parents make. If motivation decreases, the results look very negative; For this reason, it is convenient to offer psychological help at the time of giving the news .

General change in attitude

On vacation, the child must reinforce content to arrive better prepared at the beginning of the next school year. If the repetition of the course is not accompanied by a change in attitude of the student, parents and teachers, the results will not be as expected.

It is pertinent that parents maintain or increase coordination with teachers. Detailed monitoring of the student’s school activities is imposed, and even support for private classes; This will show your interest and concern for the future of your children.

Reward effort

The reward for the effort or the penalty must always be present. If the student worked hard, a weekend outing can be a very good idea. Motivation in the effort, so that they see themselves as drivers of their life, is another tool that parents can apply.

It should be noted that the ‘repeater’ label is often very damaging. We are not talking about people with a contagious disease, they are young people who must make an effort, and so it is convenient to let them know.


Parents should maintain a calm attitude and listen to the causes of repetition from their child. They should also talk to teachers or tutors.

  • If the cause is linked to a condition such as dyslexia, they should seek professional help.
  • If the cause is poor performance, they will help you organize your time through study techniques.

On the other hand, it is important to convey optimism and confidence. It must be understood that the child also suffers from the fact, he wonders what will happen to his friends, what his future will be.

Lack of motivation at school can be caused by many factors related to the child's environment and personality.

So, the punishments should be more oriented to the effort you will have to make and the responsibility you will have to demonstrate.

You also have to give the little ones peace of mind. You will continue to see your friends, make new friends, and overcome pitfalls as well. In cases, a reprimand can work when it is decidedly proven that the repetition of the course has to do with a lack of interest and work on the part of the child.

For the child or adolescent, it will be uncomfortable to start a school year with new classmates. Your self-esteem can be damaged if the subject is not dealt with in the right way; the support of parents, teachers and the school will be decisive at this stage. Helping a child who has repeated a grade is a task that must be undertaken together.

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