How To Give Orders For Children To Listen To You

There are many moments in which we give an order or request to our son and he does not listen to us. Do you want to know how to give orders so that children will listen to you?
How to give orders for children to listen to you

How many times have you had to call your son’s attention and he has ignored you? Surely many more than you would like. In this article we are going to see some tips to give orders so that children will listen to you.

Parenting is not an easy task; nobody teaches us to be, nor do we have any instruction book. What we are clear about is that we want to educate our children in the best possible way. It is important that we educate the little ones from a positive discipline in which they are respected, done from love and affection, given autonomy and provided with a healthy and happy environment.

We must banish punitive discipline based on punishments, comparisons, leading-nowhere sermons, threats or insults. Sometimes, we do not stop to think about the negative consequences that educating a child from this discipline can have for a child.

How to give orders for children to listen to you

The first step will always be to speak from a safe and trusted environment ; We will give orders, requests or instructions calmly but firmly.

It is useless to give orders by shouting ; your son is not going to pay more attention to you because you do. In addition, parents are their models and, in the long run, they will use that same way to express their anger with others, based on yelling.

Ways to give orders for children to listen to you

Mother learning to give orders for children to listen to her.

Choose the right moment

Before making a request, it is essential that the child is receptive, we do not do it when he is upset. So, you have to let the little one be in a receptive situation to talk and communicate with him.

Look him in the eye whenever we talk to them

This aspect is very important to communicate properly with them. It is not the same that we yell at them from the other end of the house to do something, that we say it by looking into their eyes.

Take care of the way we address them

We have to use a firm but soft tone of voice, without shouting, and a language appropriate to the little ones so that they understand what we are asking for.

Be clear and concise when giving an order

Use short and easy-to-understand sentences so that the little ones understand what we want to say or what we are asking of them.

Always be consistent

If we do not want to lose the authority that we have gained, we always have to be firm when giving orders to the child. For example, if one day we ask the little one to do such a thing, another day we cannot contradict ourselves and ask him to do the opposite.

Be consistent

If we give an order and both parents do not agree, the father or mother who does not agree has to support the other, even if that order or request is then discussed alone to reach an understanding.

Mom talking to her children to obey her orders.

Always praise the child when he does well

If we give an order and the child heeds us the first time, or performs positive behaviors, we should always congratulate him and value him positively.

Do not go overboard in giving orders

We must do it one by one and never contradict ourselves. If you have to make several requests, we will do it spacing them a little in time and never one followed by the other.

We must take care of the language

When you want to give orders for children to listen to you, it is not advisable to say “no” continuously, or to use imperative forms in an excessive way. Just as we adults like to be asked for things appropriately, children too.

Do not threaten

Using the threat to make the child listen has no effect, especially if we use it with young children. Nor should we threaten punishments that we are not going to carry out later, such as pick up your toys or we don’t go out to the park” , because, in the end, we collect the toys ourselves and take the child to the park. With this, the only thing we do is that our word and authority lose the value it has.

On how to give orders so that children will listen to you

Surely, despite these tips to give orders for children to listen to you, there will be times when the child will not obey, simply because they do not understand the order due to their evolutionary development, which is not sufficiently prepared to understand certain instructions. .

The techniques of positive discipline

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