How To Find Peace Of Mind During Pregnancy

Finding Peace of Mind During Pregnancy

From the moment you conceived your body and mind began to change. There are moments when you perceive life with overwhelming joy and others when so many changes overwhelm you and you feel fear. I will tell you a secret to find peace of mind during pregnancy: Trust yourself, everything will be fine.

Peace of mind resides within you, as well as ideas that disturb your day arise from your mind. You have the power to choose how you are going to act in different situations and you also have the power to choose your thoughts. Feel powerful and capable of overcoming any circumstance that comes your way, you and only you can silence those little mental voices that sometimes want to spoil everything.

When fears, doubts or anxiety arise, choose to trust yourself, in the wisdom of nature and in the love you feel for the life that grows inside you. In fact, looking at nature to learn from it is another very valuable tool: “Nature’s intelligence works with ease, with carefreeness, harmony and love,” says the fifth law, expressed in the book The seven spiritual laws for Deprak Chopra’s parents .

The book advises you to do everything you can to organize your life, but it also reminds you that nature is the organizer par excellence, so it is vital to pay attention to it: In the moments of greatest productivity and creation, nature does not work , play, says the text that invites you to remember that within you reside the same qualities of nature, you have everything you need to create with the same ease and harmony.


The tranquility is within you

Many of us have forgotten how to find peace of mind and think we can regain it by looking outside of ourselves. We have the false belief that it is external aspects such as the economy, noise, the country’s situation or differences with other people that rob us of our peace of mind, but no, it is not like that.

Regardless of what seems to be happening around you, you have all the ability to achieve your purposes, to free yourself from anguish and connect your emotions with nature and with your own energy.

And there is another stumbling block: how do you find the connection with your own energy? Well, there are many techniques, but before explaining them we need to remember some aspects, which although they seem basic, are the most forgotten: Human beings are made of body, mind and spirit.

And that of these three aspects, the first place is occupied by the spirit, since it connects us with the source of everything ; that source that sometimes we call God and that is where all the peace, all the tranquility, all the energy and the love that we need resides.

Chopra explains that the closer the connection is with our spirit or with our spiritual universe, the more we can enjoy the abundance of the universe, which has been organized in order to satisfy our desires and desires. “Only when we are disconnected do we find ourselves in need of suffering and fighting. The divine intention is that each and every human being enjoy our existence ”, says the author.


Strategies to find peace of mind

One of the most infallible strategies to find tranquility is to meditate. You can do 10 minute meditations, time is not really the important thing, the fundamental thing is to quiet the mind.

And to silence the anguish that arises from our accelerated mind, it is to make inner silence. This promotes mental clarity; allows us to value our inner world; It teaches us to seek our inner source of peace and inspiration whenever we face a problem or challenge. To achieve this inner silence, it is necessary to remember that silence is precisely the home of the spirit. All other voices speak loudly, while the spirit communicates without making a sound.

That inner silence that we speak of does not refer only to keeping quiet, although it is certainly necessary to stop talking so that the body is calm, still; But beyond “closing our mouths” we must silence our thoughts and bring the revolution down to the mind.

There are hundreds of techniques to calm the mind and find tranquility, one of them is to sit in silence and concentrate on the breath ; To have control over this exercise it is necessary to count from one to 10, the count will be done at the rhythm of each breath; thus, when you breathe in, you count one and when you breathe out you count two… if during the counting process a distressing thought arises, you must refocus and start the count you were doing from scratch.

The challenge is to count to 10 without perceiving racing or distressing thoughts; and if they arise, start over until you control the mind. When you manage to count to 10 without any thoughts arising, you achieve a feeling of unequaled tranquility. Start with the exercise, you’ll see how you can find peace of mind!

Never forget that it is you who decides whether to pay attention to the little mental voice to which you have given the power to undermine your peace or to give way to inner silence and the joy of enjoying every moment.

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