How To Deal With Cravings During Pregnancy?

How to deal with cravings during pregnancy?

Dealing with cravings during pregnancy, for some, can be a real battle. Now, those uncontrollable desires that these women feel since the zygote is implanted in their uterus, are not experienced by many others.

Since ancient times, the issue of cravings has been controversial; however, for pregnant women who do have them, there are the following tips.

How to fight cravings in pregnancy

Occupy your time

Occupying time is one of the best remedies for dealing with pregnancy cravings. If you keep doing something, you won’t have a chance to think about your wish.

It is true that the mind can sometimes betray you and want to be stronger than your purpose by forgetting that you have a craving, but as a persistent woman that you are, if, for example, you start to order the clothes of your future child or finish decorating his room, you will win the battle.

Always have foods on hand that you like and can replace your cravings

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When you get into that outburst for eating a certain food, it is better that you have another one that you like, is healthier, and can replace it.

If you suddenly want to eat chocolate ice cream, it would not be bad to have a glass of milk frozen with some chocolate powder and sugar, to satisfy your craving.

Milk is a recommended nutritious food during pregnancy, because in addition to all the vitamins and minerals it provides, it relieves your heartburn.

A “homemade milk ice cream” will be healthier than any industrially produced ice cream pot.

Satisfy your cravings in quality, but not in quantity

Facing the cravings does not mean limiting yourself completely because, the more you deprive yourself of indulging yourself, the more you will think about it, the more it will stick in your head.

If you want to get rid of that craving, the best thing is to get rid of it in the most radical way that exists: removing its status as a “craving”, that is, giving yourself the pleasure.

Now, satisfying a craving does not mean trying to binge. To face it and not go against your health, choose the highest quality food (more proteins, vitamins, minerals; fewer kilocalories, artificial sweeteners and other additives) and eat it moderately.

Before indulging, always drink at least a glass of water, and include the craving in breakfast, lunch or snacks during the day, never at night.

Brush your teeth

When you have a craving but can’t satisfy it, eat a piece of fruit and then brush your teeth.

The taste and smell of the toothpaste will “tell” to your brain that you have already eaten, you are satiated and it is not necessary to throw yourself without reins on the whim.

Get out of the house

Leaving the house when you want to devour the refrigerator is going to work for you, on the other hand, if you stay indoors sooner or later you will be driven to weaken.

So, when you have one of these whims that you can’t afford to make come true, get dressed, put on makeup, get pretty and go for a walk in the park, to the movies, go shopping, visit a friend … whatever you want. We only recommend you stay away from temptation.

How to deal with cravings during pregnancy?

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Coping with cravings for women who have them is not as easy as reading these tips; however, it is not impossible either.

So that you have more tools when it comes to “defending” against them, we suggest:

Think about your baby’s health

The child that you carry in your womb needs to receive the necessary nutrients for its full development.

In general, the whims you tend to have during pregnancy are far from being healthy foods ; they provide almost nothing of what your child needs.

Think of you

When you give up and lose the battle to cravings, you throw yourself relentlessly into the abyss of junk food. These types of edibles, extremely palatable, together with other bad eating habits, are what make you gain excess weight.

If now you feel beautiful with that belly that highlights your beauty, very soon and for the better, you will stop having it.

By then, you will have become a mother and the extra kilos that you have gained during pregnancy will no longer look attractive in the mirror.

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