Effects Of Alcohol On Pregnancy

Drinking alcohol during pregnancy can seriously affect the development of the baby. Know its effects and prevention options.
Effects of alcohol on pregnancy

Pregnancy is perhaps one of the most delicate and precious stages in the life of a woman, it is a moment that we dream and wait with sweetness. It is also a vital moment in the development of this new being in formation, hence the delicacy of its care. For this reason, in this article we want to talk to you about the effects of alcohol on pregnancy.

Considering reorganizing your habits during these 40 weeks is the best thing you can do for your child. Well, that new life on the way needs you healthy, and all your actions will have a direct impact on their well-being.

Effects of alcohol on pregnancy

Although the effects of alcohol in pregnancy are not clear, world-renowned scientific institutions recommend that you avoid consuming alcohol during your gestation period and also while breastfeeding. In fact, it is best to adjust your eating habits three months before getting pregnant and start taking folic acid.

You can consult with your doctor about it. He will surely recommend a pregnancy free of any toxic substance such as alcohol, cigarettes and any type of drugs.

When alcohol consumption is high

What you should be clear about is that everything you consume passes into your bloodstream. The same thing happens with alcohol, which then crosses the placental barrier and reaches your baby. As a developing organism, your baby processes alcohol more slowly and may remain intoxicated to a greater degree and for longer.

It has been found that mothers who drank one drink a day throughout pregnancy had higher risk of spontaneous abortions present. Also of having newborns of low birth weight, and it has even been linked to children with learning difficulties or behavior problems.

In important cases of alcohol consumption, where the mother suffers from alcoholism, scientists have described a set of characteristics that neonates present. Among them, the following stand out:

  • Poor intra and extrauterine development
  • Low birth weight
  • Damage to the nervous system
  • Microcephaly (abnormally small skull and brain)
  • Intellectual disability
  • Developmental disturbances 

What if I didn’t know I was pregnant and I drank alcohol?

Be calm, everything in its proper measure. If you’ve had a few casual drinks before you found out your baby was on the way, then nothing’s wrong. Take care to maintain a healthy diet as recommended in the future.

The first three months of gestation are the most delicate because it is when your baby is almost completely formed. Hence, it is important to care for and protect the fetus as much as possible. But if it has only been a few casual drinks and the rest of your habits have been healthy, ready, turn the page that nothing will have happened to your baby.

Look for other alternatives to avoid the effects of alcohol in pregnancy

During pregnancy there will be many social opportunities in which the moment will be conducive to having a drink with friends or with your partner. For this reason, you have to look for some non-alcoholic beverage alternatives that allow you to enjoy these moments of relaxation without affecting the development of your baby.

Here are some options that you can safely prepare at home or get at any bar:

  • Decaffeinated iced tea
  • Combinations of various teas with fruit juices.
  • Fruit juices (preferably unsweetened)
  • Cocktails without alcohol
  • Carbonated water
  • Flavored water with a few drops of lemon or slices of orange, lemon or strawberries
  • Milk
  • Any other drink that you like, is healthy and low in calories.

Do you think you have a problem with your drinking?

If you think you have a problem controlling your desire to drink, don’t wait until you affect your child’s development. Seek specialized help to regain control of your life and your emotions. What better time than this!

Discuss it with your doctor, he will be able to guide you on what options you have in your area to access this type of help. You are a good mother and you can surely overcome this obstacle in life driven by the greatest of loves: that of your baby. Take care of your health and your habits and you will be taking care of the life of your little one.

How Alcohol Can Affect Your Baby During Pregnancy

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