Does The Age Difference Influence Relationships?

Is it true that the age difference influences couple relationships? In this article we reveal it.
Does the age difference influence relationships with a partner?

We have all affirmed at times that love is blind, but the reality is usually different. When we talk about love, not only the people who make up the couple matter. Each culture has certain norms that affect all elements of our life, including relationships. There are certain aspects that are taboo or are frowned upon by society  and one of them is the age difference in relationships.

Although there are those who consider that age is a social invention, there is usually some reluctance towards couples who have a large age difference. However, this does not affect men and women equally.

Relationships in which the man is much older than the woman are more normalized. But, contrary to popular belief, women in this situation do not usually have a higher income than those married to men their age range.

What factors influence a relationship to work?

The physique and the first impressions are important, but they are not enough reasons to consolidate a relationship. It is more important that the couple have common interests or passions that help them create a solid foundation for their relationship. Thus, it is easier for two people who are in the same age group to find hobbies to share.

Besides hobbies, there are other important factors for a successful relationship. For example, couples with a good economic level maintained over the years are more likely to stay together. The same happens with those who have children in common or who had a long courtship. Of course, the age difference is also one of the factors to take into account.

But in this there is a discrepancy even between the different studies. According to a survey conducted by an insurance portal, the perfect age difference for a couple would be four years and four months.

Does the age difference influence relationships with a partner?

According to another study by American scientists, an age difference of five years is more likely to lead to divorce.

Age difference in relationships for men and women

There is also a difference in how women and men perceive the age difference in a relationship. In general, women prefer men who are in their age range. For their part, men of any age prefer women in their 20s and 30s.

However, some women turn to spouses of other generations for different reasons with the same origin: motherhood. Some turn to a younger partner when they feel the social pressure of motherhood.

Being with someone younger allows you to escape from that sometimes imposed and unwanted burden. On the other hand, those women who want to become mothers can opt for older partners because they offer emotional and financial stability.

What does science say about the age difference in the couple?

A study published in the Journal of Population Economics  has shown that people with younger spouses are more satisfied with their marriages. However, in cases where the age difference is large, this initial satisfaction fades over time.

Scientists point out that couples with age differences tend to suffer sharp declines in marital satisfaction. In contrast, in people with spouses of a similar age, this satisfaction does not vary greatly.

It has also been shown that, in the face of financial problems, marriages of spouses with a large age difference are less resistant. This is because when there is not a great age difference, the spouses are more synchronized and make better decisions as a couple.

However, people of different generations may have different response mechanisms to a difficult situation. This can cause tensions and imbalances in the couple.

On the other hand, a study carried out with men over 50 years old, shows more encouraging results. This study shows that men married to considerably younger women have a longer life expectancy.

Although, the same does not happen with women. This may be because women are more independent, which is why they do not benefit as much as men from the energy of a younger spouse.

Does the age difference influence relationships with a partner?


There are reasons of all kinds, both for and against couples with a large age difference. Each relationship is unique and there are no rules that apply to everyone. Everything influences relationships and you can always work to overcome adversity.

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