Celebrate International Children’s Book Day

Celebrate International Children’s Book Day in a different way with the ideas that we offer you below.
Celebrate International Children's Book Day

On April 2, the International Children’s and Youth Book Day is celebrated. Since 1967 this date was established to celebrate and encourage reading among the little ones and young people.

Coinciding with the date of birth of one of the most important children’s literature writers in history, Hans Christian Andersen, this is a good way to promote literature.

Ideas to celebrate International Children’s Book Day

Girl reading a story her stuffed rabbit for International Children's Book Day.

Pick a book you haven’t read yet

There is no better way to celebrate International Children’s Book Day than by reading. For this reason, today we propose that, to celebrate this day, you buy or take a children’s or young adult’s book from the library that you have not yet read and enjoy it.

Reread a book that you love and haven’t read in a long time

Sometimes it is not necessary for the little ones to immerse themselves in new stories if the ones we already have at home continue to make their imagination and creativity fly. Therefore, if you have a wide collection of children’s books, to celebrate this day, you can choose one of the ones that the little ones loved and enjoy it again as if it were the first time.

A letter, a recommendation

In such difficult times in which we find ourselves, any activity is good to develop the creative mind of the little ones. Therefore, today we suggest that, from a blank page, the children write a letter to a friend and tell him what their favorite book is and the plot.

In this way, just without realizing it, they will be encouraging reading, choosing between several stories and developing their written expression.

And for those who don’t like to write?

To shuffle all the possible options, for those children who prefer to do other types of activities, we also have another alternative. However, we will start from the same base: a blank page. In it the little ones will have to put all their imagination and creativity and draw or paint the cover or a scene of their favorite book. In this way, drawing and reading come together so that the little ones can enjoy themselves as much as possible.

More ideas to enjoy International Children’s Book Day

Discover a movie based on a book

This is a very simple game, but one that the little ones in the house will love. And there are several children’s films that are based on books, so that will be the activity that we carry out with the youngest.

Pick a book and read it with them. Once finished, talk with the children about how the characters, the settings, and you can even draw a drawing about the physical features or the prominent landscapes or monuments that appear in the book.

Then, play the movie for them and together you can see if the child’s imagination has been captured in the same way. A great way to celebrate International Children’s Book Day by promoting culture through books and movies.

Father with his daughter reading a story.

Reading meter, one of the funniest ideas to celebrate International Children’s Book Day

Finally, we leave you an idea to use both at home and in classrooms. The meter we are talking about will measure the books that the child reads throughout a certain stage that we can mark ourselves.

The meter is created on a sheet of paper from a drawing of a series of books placed on a shelf. Each time the child reads a book, he will draw the corresponding book himself.

If you have several children at home, fun will be guaranteed, since they will want to be reading all day to always be the first. The same will happen in a school classroom, so it is a fantastic initiative to encourage reading in an easy and simple way.

Children's collection "I wonder"

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