An Exceptional Gift, A Movie With Powerful Teachings

An exceptional gift is a film that, between laughter and surprises, rediscovers our values ​​because how far would you be able to go for the good of your daughter or son?
An exceptional gift, a movie with powerful teachings

Many times we wonder what is best for the new generations, and doubts multiply when children have high abilities. However, not everything is black and white when it comes to children’s development, is it? This is the starting point on which the plot of the film An Exceptional Gift is based .

Details From A gift exceptional

An Exceptional Gift is an American film directed by Mark Webb that was released in 2017. The protagonist is Mary (McKeena Grace), a funny and gifted girl. Mary, in addition to always speaking her mind, may have inherited her sharp tongue from her uncle Frank (Chris Evans).

Both lead a normal life in a small town at the will of Mary’s mother, but when the protagonist starts school, everything changes. The protagonist’s lifestyle is called into question due to her exceptional talents in mathematics.

This battle between being a “normal” child or exploiting her potential goes beyond the screen and reaches the hearts of parents. Anyone can find themselves in the situation of the girl, the uncle, the grandmother or the neighbor at some point, but what is the right thing to do?

An exceptional gift, a movie with powerful teachings.

An exceptional gift , reflection on priorities

Frank wants Mary to join the school, have friends and have fun. She tries, but as soon as her capabilities come to light, the people around her and in her life begin to treat her differently. Doing the right thing sometimes entails certain sacrifices, but who is right? Your grandmother or Uncle Frank?

Grandma and advanced studies

The protagonist’s grandmother prioritizes the advanced education demanded by Mary’s abilities over personal development. The age difference between the girl and her fellow students is enormous, so it would make her grow up prematurely.

Education is a great pillar. However, is education just about studying? In this case, the price to pay may be to grow with certain social and emotional deficiencies.

Uncle and normal childhood

Frank has satisfied Mary’s curiosity over the years and has fed her most endearing part. They don’t have a wealthy life, but they both enjoy the little things. In the girl’s circle of acquaintances there are people of all kinds who treat her like one more.

Although Mary will not be able to develop her full potential at school, in the film she is presented as an opportunity to strengthen the girl’s emotional relationships and social development. Talking and working with different people helps children learn to relate little by little and prepares them for the future.

Who teaches whom?

Sometimes we think that children, because they are children, do not have enough experience to know what they want. In certain respects this may be the case, but there are times when they teach us lessons.

An exceptional gift, a movie with powerful teachings.

Mary helps us rediscover values ​​that we take for granted and that we may not give the importance they deserve. And it is that a child —or an adult— feels loved is the most important thing. In fact, there is a dialogue from the protagonist that sums it up perfectly:

Mary distinguishes who loves her in an interested way by her knowledge and who loves her unconditionally. This is probably one of the hardest lessons we learn throughout life.

In addition, the relationships that the different characters have teach us that over time we lose the ability to listen and to be empathetic with others. Sometimes it is better to put aside our opinion or our circumstances and listen to others without any pretense. This will also help us to discover things that we did not know, since there is a great difference between hearing and listening.

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