A Mother Loves Her Baby More Than Herself

The love a mother feels for her child is unconditional and immeasurable. He would be able to give his life for his little one.
A mother loves her baby more than herself

This is a food for thought. What do you think of the statement: “a mother loves her baby more than herself”? . Do you think it’s true? Do you think that unconditional love is always manifested in all mothers?

Furthermore, how does a mother make that love go to build something bigger than herself: new, healthy, happy and loving lives? The bond between a mother and her child, although there are exceptions, is the most definitive example of what unconditional love is. A mother will always put the well-being of her child as a priority and above herself.

She has carried him nine months in her womb, she has given him shelter from the first second and has longed for his arrival like no one else. The mother has been the protagonist / witness of all the physical evolution and the development of her son’s personality.

Giving life to another being is an act of faith in the future, in life and a bet that, like another great truth, reflects the sublime of being a mother. Well, from the moment the baby is born, your heart will inevitably be outside of you. Then yes. A mother loves her baby more than herself.


However, we must bear in mind that being mothers is one of the many other roles that we must assume in life in society. We are daughters, women, professionals, wives, friends, and we also owe ourselves to some extent to others and to ourselves. So “you will love your baby as yourself” sounds like a divine commandment, but don’t forget: If you don’t love yourself enough you will be able to feel little for others, even for your children.

A mother loves her baby unconditionally

Autonomy and freedom

Unconditional: that is the key word for the maternal-filial relationship to generate well-being in both. The bond between a mother and her baby must be built on healthy foundations, and this means loving and accepting your little one as he is. Without expectations, without demands and without judgments.

It is selfish to believe that children belong to us, that they must be as we wish or that they must act according to our preferences. This only leads mothers who think so to bitterness and sadness. Children are different people, not extensions or objects. And your role as a mother is to accompany him unconditionally as he develops his own being, not to constrain him to conform to your preferences.

We mothers aspire for our children to become autonomous and free men and women. This will only be possible if the mother’s love for her son does not castrate and, on the contrary, allows the son to fully develop his personality, without judgment.

Love as an example

As mothers we want our children to develop strong self-esteem, to love and respect themselves. However, we must remember that children reproduce the behaviors of their parents, these are their first and main role models.

So work on yourself and what you are showing your little one about self-love. A successful mother who shows confidence, healthy self-esteem, and loves herself will be the best reflection of the love she wants to see in her child later. Also, remember that your child will love himself in the same way that you love him, you will set the precedent.


A mother loves her baby when she loves herself

Loving your child with all your being does not imply abandoning yourself. On the contrary, the healthy harmony between your needs and those of your child are important to prevent the demanding role of mother from overwhelming you and filling you with stress. If you do not satisfy yourself and seek well-being and happiness, you will end up blaming your little one for your sacrifice. Take responsibility for yourself so as not to burden him with that weight.

I respect

Finally, remember that respect is fundamental in the mother-child relationship, and that it is a round trip lane. You must teach your child to respect you and accept the healthy limits you impose. But you should also be aware that your little one also deserves all your consideration. There is no real love if it does not come from respect.

A mother's love is unique

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