A Viral Photo Exposes The Disease Mothers Don’t Talk About

A viral photo exposes the disease mothers don't talk about

The protagonist is Kathy DiVicenzo. This anonymous heroine initially uploaded an image to her Facebook account that was worth a thousand words. The photograph where she is seen overwhelmed with her two children quickly went viral. It is that, without knowing or wanting it, she was referring to postpartum depression, a disease that is not talked about.

Although mothers do not usually comment on it out loud and prefer to silence it, the official statistics speak for themselves. According to the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention, one in nine mothers has it.

Postpartum depression is a syndrome that every woman who has given birth goes through. You can suffer it moderately or intensely. It generally occurs within the initial three months of the baby’s life, although it can manifest within the first year after delivery.

A viral photo: X-ray of a silenced disease

This shocking viral photo toured the world. He had the ability to bring to the table a disorder as frequent and common as it is silenced. Consequently, it is a disease misunderstood by many people.

In this striking image, Kathy can be seen with her two children. The location was not prepared, but it remains natural. The three appear on the floor of a completely messy room, full of toys. Not only his devastated face communicates.

Also an interesting element is the role that each child occupies. Well, her oldest daughter tries to get her mother’s attention to play. Meanwhile, the baby is lying on the floor, wearing a “loaded” diaper. But the picture is completed with the appearance of Kathy, who puts a stamp on the problem.

The mother, disheveled and gray, wears a misaligned bra. On the one hand it is “low”, something that refers us directly to the breastfeeding period, with all that this entails (well and not so much). Her face is an ode to tired dark circles and her entire face is living proof of how exhausted she is.

The other side of the same coin

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But that post, in reality, did not stop there, but this American mother uploaded, in parallel, another image. As a kind of counter-face in which the panorama changes drastically. On this occasion, the first thing that is appreciated is the order of the room.

In addition, the girl watches her smiling while she plays alone with her two dolls. Meanwhile, the baby is dressed and lying on a fluffy bedspread. The maximum change, and greatest contrast, has to do with a combed, well dressed and smiling Kathy. More rested, she looks radiant: happy and full.

In this way, Kathy DiVicenzo successfully managed to “ end the stigma and break the silence” that surrounds this issue. This mother even goes further by pretending that all mothers with this condition share their experience so that “they all know that they are not alone .

The US National Institute of Mental Health understands postpartum depression as a “mood disorder that can affect women after childbirth . According to experts in the field, the causes of this disease respond to a mixture of physical and emotional factors preferably.

Postpartum depression symptoms to consider

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Many signs indicate that a mother is suffering from this disease. This is undoubtedly important to receive the necessary support and, furthermore, to prevent this condition from leading to an even more serious problem. So, the symptoms and risk factors to consider are the following:

  • Deep feeling of sadness and emptiness, loss of hope.
  • Frequent crying, for no apparent reason.
  • Anxiety and anguish in excess.
  • Bad mood and constant irritability.
  • Marked tendency to sleep too much or inability to fall asleep.
  • Experiencing anger or rage
  • Loss of interest and memory, as well as difficulty maintaining attention and concentration.
  • Oral distress or loss of appetite.
  • Suffering from physical pain, stomach problems, and muscle conditions.
  • Difficulty in relating to friends and family, and emotional attachment problem with the baby.
Kraamzorg, postpartum care for women

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