Home Remedies For Head Lice

Lice can become a real nuisance on a day-to-day basis. Discover in this article how to get rid of them with some natural remedies.
Home remedies for lice

Your child has already started the socialization stage and responds well to the dreaded adaptation to the garden, but soon another big problem arises: pediculosis, another cuckoo of parenthood. Well, it is common for children’s heads to be invaded by lice, which is not an indicator of lack of personal hygiene.

Lice are those annoying and uncomfortable parasites that just hop from one head to the other. But here it is not worth despairing because fortunately different and varied home remedies for lice have emerged that are natural and effective.

In recent years, these home remedies for lice have surpassed the traditional chemical options for their effectiveness and low cost, which represent not only a greater expense but also a toxic solution for the body.

Does your child have pediculosis and you still don’t dare to try these infallible home remedies for lice?  Before cutting his hair, put these tips into practice to get rid of your little one’s visitors in one attack, say goodbye to lice and nits!

From lice and nits

Many say that lice are endemic, but the reality is that they are wingless insects that live on human skin, preferably on the scalp or in any hairy part of the body, since they feed on blood .

There are different routes of infection, such as direct contact with an infected person or even through their personal items (hats, caps, combs, brushes, hair dryer, headphones, pillows, stuffed animals, etc.).

Although the bite of the louse can be itchy as a result of an allergic reaction to a toxin in the saliva of these insects, you should not forget that these parasites can also transmit infectious diseases such as exanthematic fever and other types of recurrent fever.

For their part, nits are sometimes confused with dandruff due to their whitish color and small size. However, lice eggs differ from flakes or scabs on the scalp in that they are not easily shed.


Home remedies for lice

Specialists indicate that good hygiene at the capillary level, accompanied by baths with hot water and soap, can solve the problem of pediculosis. However, if it is a severe infestation, skin treatments will probably be required.

However, there are a number of home remedies for lice that can be very useful and quickly effective. Below we share the most popular home remedies for lice used by parents to curb this situation.

Homemade method for lice with vinegar

One of the most widespread home remedies for lice and, consequently, used by parents around the world is vinegar, be it pure wine or apple mixed with a tablespoon of thyme essence.

To combat nits and lice you must apply this mixture on the child’s head and then massage the area to finally place a plastic cap, leaving the preparation to act for at least five hours and, finally, rinse with plenty of water.

Home remedies for lice with olive oil

Some parents recommend applying at least four tablespoons of olive oil to the child’s head three or four times a week in order to suffocate the lice, for which they immediately cover the head with a plastic cap or towel for three hours.

Another of the home remedies for lice based on olive oil is to mix three tablespoons of olive oil with the same measure of lavender oil, always following the same process, that is, the boy’s head must be covered again for three hours. with a cap.

How to remove lice and nits through treatment

Mouthwash to fight lice

A Listerine-style mouthwash is one of the home remedies for lice, by the way, very effective in eliminating them. To use this element, you need a spray container in which to deposit the product in order to apply it to the child’s head until it covers the hair and scalp.

Leave to rinse for 20 minutes and then wash hair with plenty of water and using a lice comb. According to experts, the combination of alcohol with the antiseptic compounds in this article kills lice and nits.

Fight lice with mayonnaise

Among the home remedies for lice is another popular technique to eradicate pediculosis in infants and it involves saturating your child’s head with plenty of mayonnaise, then covering it with a shower cap and letting it rest for several hours and then rinsing it off.

A natural shampoo

The idea of ​​this homemade shampoo recipe is to combine one tablespoon of salt, two tablespoons of vinegar, five drops of pepper essential oil and five drops of tea tree essential oil in the baby shampoo.

You have to apply this mixture on the boy’s hair and scalp, massaging gently until lathering. Leave this mixture to act for at least 10 minutes and then rinse with water while you brush for lice or nit.

5 other home remedies for lice

  • Rue. Boil a large handful of this herb in a liter of water to apply directly to the boy’s scalp with strong massages and then cover his head with a towel for an hour.
  • Citronella, eucalyptus and marjoram. Add 5 drops of citronella essential oil, 7 of eucalyptus and 5 of marjoram to the children’s shampoo or rinse cream and use it regularly.
  • Eucalyptus and lemon.  Boil several eucalyptus leaves in a liter of water for 15 minutes and add the juice of one lemon. Pour this infusion into your child’s hair while massaging gently and then leave for half an hour. Afterwards, rinse and wash the hair normally.
  • Garlic.  Another of the home remedies for lice is to grind a head of garlic and place it in a bowl with half a liter of water, in which it will rest for several hours until straining. You must rub the scalp with this preparation and immediately wrap the head with a cap that you must keep throughout one night to wash the next morning.
  • Coconut oil and camphor. Heat 3 teaspoons of coconut oil with a pinch of camphor and then apply this mixture with gentle massages on the child’s head. Later, cover with a shower cap to act for 8 hours. Finally wash the hair and, once dry, use a nit comb.

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