Taking Care Of Myself As A Woman Affects The Well-being Of My Children

Taking care of myself as a woman affects the well-being of my children. Doing so does not make me a bad mother, quite the opposite. If I am good with myself, I can treat them well and give them all my love.
Taking care of myself as a woman affects the well-being of my children

It is true that raising children, especially if they are small, consumes most of your time. But that doesn’t mean you should put yourself aside. “Taking care of myself as a woman affects the well-being of my children” is a premise that you have to remember on a daily basis. It’s for the good of your family!

Taking care of myself as a woman affects the well-being of my children: beauty and aesthetics

We could identify, without fear of being wrong, which woman has children and which does not just by seeing her walking down the street. The latter will be more groomed, her nails will be well painted and her clothes in perfect condition. Why is it that a woman who is a mother often does not take care of her appearance and well-being?

The first answer that arises to this question is “because I dedicate all my time to the care of children”. This is especially the case when the woman gives up working outside the home.

It is true that parenting takes too long and that days only have 24 hours. However, it is very important that you take care of yourself.

This will not make you a worse mother, quite the opposite. Grooming your hair, waxing and painting your nails will make you feel better about yourself; That will affect the image and education that you give your children.

From the eyes of a child, it is not the same to have a mother who fixes herself to one who wears any clothes and has not been to the beauty salon for months. There is no doubt that they will love you in the same way; however, you are giving him a ‘hidden’ teaching behind your carelessness.

Claiming lack of time is not the excuse for not taking care of your physical appearance;  much less motherhood. Because later, when your kids grow up, you’ll realize that you ‘deserved’ an hour — or less — a day to take care of yourself.

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A woman’s health care

When was the last time you went to the doctor to check your health? It was probably a few weeks after delivery, especially if it was by cesarean section.

After that time, the only office visits are for the pediatrician. And that’s all very well, because the baby needs care, but what about you? Why do you neglect your health? Again, you will say that you do not have time or that you do not know who to leave your child with.

However, you should know that postponing medical examinations can cause major problems, since many pathologies or diseases that are not identified and treated in time become chronic, or even fatal.

It is not a question that you are afraid that something bad may happen to you; Isn’t it motivating enough for your children to have a healthy, energetic and healthy mother?

Don’t put yourself last when it comes to health. Think that if you get sick, no one like you will be able to take care of raising children.

Physical exercise is essential to regain your figure after giving birth.

The free time of a woman with children

Another way to take care of yourself as a woman is to enjoy what you love and that has nothing to do with your little ones. This includes going out with your partner or with your friends, and above all, having time to be alone and do whatever you want, without any obligation.

Surely, since you have been a mother you have not taken a bath, you have not enjoyed a book while drinking tea or a complete movie lying on the sofa. Sure, because you don’t have time.

You must know that this blessed ‘hour for you’ must be given yourself; otherwise no one will. Do not wait for your children to go to school, because there will always be something to do during those hours: do the laundry, do the shopping, prepare dinner or whatever.

Dedicating yourself completely to motherhood is one of the best decisions you have ever made, but keep in mind that it is something that never ends. Do not wait for your children to grow up and leave home to do everything you love, or at least some rewarding activities.

In short, remember that a happy, confident and healthy mother is what any little one wants. And for this, you must take care of yourself and take care of yourself.

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