If Your Child Is A Slow Learner, Be Patient And Walk Slower

If your child is a slow learner, be patient and walk slower

Although many mothers and education professionals still fail to understand it, each child has its own pace of learning and maturing. Therefore, if your child learns slowly, do not be alarmed as it is absolutely normal and does not necessarily indicate any type of cognitive impairment.

Logically, some will develop some skills and knowledge more quickly than others. So here it is not necessary to fight a race and force the child to reach the goal as soon as possible since it does not matter how slowly the child learns.

What is really important in this process is not to stop supporting the minor so that he can continue learning. If your child is slower than the rest, just slow down and walk patiently beside him at a slower pace.


If your child is a slow learner, take short but firm steps

If your little one is a slow learner, stay calm and be patient. Do not appear frustrated, annoyed or angry under any point of view. Well, he already has enough weight behind him due to the pace of learning that he carries, in addition to the burden or pressure involved in achieving it to see you happy and not feel inferior or discriminated against.

Here it is important to take care of the words you use to motivate and help him. It is not about forcing or accelerating the acquisition of this knowledge with more material and more demands. In many cases, it simply takes time.

For this reason, if that minor learns slowly, reduce the speed and intensity of teaching. Start taking slow but steady steps during this hike. Either way, the important thing is to walk this complex path together, hand in hand.

Attitudes to avoid if the child learns slowly

One of the golden rules in case of being in this situation where the learning and development of the infant is delayed a little more than what is considered normal, is not to yell, punish or hit the minor who presents any of these difficulties.

Similarly, it is strictly forbidden to make such absurd and hurtful comparisons. Always respect the time of that creature, do not promote a competition that makes no sense, or make him feel less than others.

However, it is worth clarifying that in these cases the secret does not consist at all in simply denying this small obstacle that you must overcome with your little one by appealing to the highest doses of perseverance, patience, dedication and a lot of love.

How to act if my child learns slowly?

First of all, you must learn to help him. This does not imply in any way doing things for him since, in this way, the message that reaches the child who is his mother knows how to do it and he would not achieve it in any other way than without the intervention of the adult.


Here it is also very important to take care of each of the phrases you use during this mission. This will prevent the child from feeling diminished, incapable or even humiliated. The key is to motivate and stimulate but without hurting your child or decapitating his self-esteem.

It is especially important to review the goals set and the proposed methods, as these must be adjusted to the child’s age. Also, remember that teaching must be constant and avoiding by all means any type of distraction or dispersion throughout this crucial moment.

It is also pertinent to focus on the teaching of basic skills fundamental to their adult life, such as reading, writing and basic mathematical operations. But always respecting that the content is appropriate for the age of the child.

Lastly, don’t forget to reinforce all kinds of learning progress. As minimal as this may be, you must positively strengthen their interest in studies. Remember that in the education of children with these small difficulties, each small achievement represents an advance of ten boxes.

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