Educating Is Not Imposing A Path, It Is Teaching How To Walk

Much of the role of parents is parenting. This will allow children to grow and live on their own. Learn in this article how to educate in the best way!
Educating is not imposing a path, it is teaching how to walk

Educating a child is providing him with consolidated knowledge and emotions that help him to carve out his own destiny. It is not assigning you a trail and telling you that this is where you should go.
Teaching him to walk is giving him legs, wings, mind and energy to examine all the routes and decide on the one he wants the most.

Educate him to live in a sea of ​​possibilities

As soon as your son came into the world, you told him:

“You are blood of my blood. The most precious treasure I have. As a jewel at last I will take care of you, protect you from all dangers. I will never allow you to suffer or hurt yourself. I will drive away anyone who wants to do you any harm. I am going to conceive for you a world of love, acceptance, happiness and peace ”.

Then, as the months passed, and when verifying the effects of the education you gave him, you altered the speech somewhat:

“With each passing day my heart grows bigger. You don’t know how good it makes me to watch you walk, laugh, play, and do the most incredible antics. When you look at me like you do and call me Mom! I would like to cry with emotion.

But there is something I have been looking at. Lately, I’ve noticed that you just want to be where I am and that you feel insecure away from me. You wait for me to shake your hand in all the obstacles and if you see a bug you run to hide behind my skirt.

Starting today I am going to educate you a little better, I will teach you to have confidence in yourself. For that, I will give you some autonomy and the freedom to make the odd mistake. As much as it hurts, I will not pick you up when you fall, I will encourage you to do it without my help. From today I will always be one step behind you, but secretly, so that you do not see me. You must make yourself strong and trust your possibilities ”.


When your little one was two years old, you had this reflection:

“You are so Beautiful. How big you have become. I had you yesterday and today you became the son I always dreamed of. Loving, fearless, intelligent, insightful, and even kind and polite! Who would have thought that such a small child would always keep in mind to go in front of the women to open the door for them, or to hand them the hairpins so they could hang their clothes?

You are kind. You share your food and toys with any member of the family.

However, today I noticed that you prefer to interact with adults. In kindergarten I saw that you like the company of the educators rather than being alone with the other children. I think you fear them a little, perhaps because they have learned to communicate through the language of biting, hair pulling and the give and take of toys.

You have to educate your fear, teach yourself to live with them. From today on I will open the tuning fork and I will show you, although little by little, the world around you.

I have to contain my fears and break the protective bubble within which I have kept you.

You need to learn to relate, stand up for yourself, have desires, and put your skills into practice to achieve your goals. You must learn to strive for your goals.

From this minute you will begin to form yourself as a strong man in emotional matters. I will do everything for that.

Woman, your son turned 15 today. Through the window, as you watch him play basketball with his friends, you recall the words you said at his birth.

Reviewing them, you notice that as he grew older you varied the speech. If at first you tried to avoid disappointments, disappointments and even crying, you realized that he also needed them to learn.

The environment of love, acceptance, happiness and peace that you were going to conceive for him would not make him the young man you wanted.


How nice to show him to love, to be happy, to love himself, to trust himself, to be altruistic and to put his best values ​​into practice!

But it’s also good that you taught him to learn from his failures, to gain experience from his setbacks, to relate to everyone, to live.

You did not impose a path on him, you invited him to study the arts: music, literature, painting…; to practice sports: baseball, chess, cycling, gymnastics …

Your child can dance ballet, harvest vegetables from the garden, do any chore around the house, fix your car …

He is a multifaceted child because he wanted to be that way.

You showed him the sea of ​​possibilities before him, you let him sail and today you wait for him to arrive at any port.

He knows that whichever he chooses, you, his Penelope, will always be waiting for him.

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