How To Get My Child To Take Medicine?

How do I get my child to take medicine?

Getting a child to take medicine is not infrequently a pitched battle. “Up! Open your mouth!” Come on, close and swallow, it’s for your good! ”Is just one example of the phrases we say to achieve it.

Once mom tells her son that he has to take a medicine, the child runs around the house, hides under the beds, starts to cry … well, there are usually few children who, without complaining and the first time they are told, they take the medicine.

With the aim of helping you in the difficult task that you lead, we bring you some methods that have helped other mothers when giving their children medicine.

Ah! If you have a specific one, do not hesitate to share it with the readers of our blog.

Helpful Methods for Your Child to Take Medication

Persuasion through information

There is always the mother who has little patience and forces the child to take the medicine, and punishes him when he spits.

We are not in favor of reprimands and forced things. We prefer conviction over any sanction.

To persuade your child to take the medicines, first explain what they are for. Talk to him about your condition and let him know how much they are going to help him.

A 5, 6-year-old child can perfectly understand what you say and begin to listen to you. Remember that ignorance also leads to rejection.

 The discipline

Discipline is not punishing, yelling and less hitting. It is teaching, making him understand the reasons why he should do what you tell him and not violate your recommendations.

You can discipline your child by putting seriousness in the act of giving him the medicine.

No falling behind him every time the time comes or buying him with goodies and promises.

If he’s playing, have him pause to sit in his seat, for example, open his mouth, take the medicine, and then drink some water. After that you can continue playing.

Syringe VS Spoon

Although the spoon is used to feed children, in the case of drugs it is not the most recommended utensil, at least not the one recommended by many mothers.

Medicines served on a spoon are extremely vulnerable to spills.

When the child does not want to take them, he begins to shake his head to all sides and in those cases, surely it has happened to you more than once, the medicine goes to the ground.

For this reason, some women prefer to use plastic syringes to pour all the medicine into their children’s mouths without danger of losing them.

How do they do that? We explain.

If it is a tablet, we recommend putting it on top of a spoon and diluting it with a little water. Once it is completely dissolved you can aspirate the liquid with the syringe until you collect all the remains that may remain on the cover.

It will be easier for your child to open his mouth to receive the medicine by syringe, and you will not need as much aim to “hit the target” and ensure that the medicine does not spill.

Let medicine take a back seat

Although you have to be serious when taking the medicine, your child does not need to concentrate on what he is going to do, for that he has you.

Let’s go back to the example we gave you earlier: Suppose your little one is playing. At the time of medicine you ask him to sit in his seat to receive the medicine.

As he does so, to carry out this method , we recommend that you talk to him about something interesting about the game.

Give him a new idea of ​​fun, or comment on how cute one or the other doll looks.

The bottom line is that you focus your attention on something that interests you and catch your curiosity so that the least of it is the bitter-tasting medicine you are taking.

Getting a child to take medicine, as well as difficult, can be simple. Everything is in that you know how to cope with the situation and make the moment more bearable.

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