Grandma, Tell Me Again What You Felt When You Saw Me For The First Time

Grandma, tell me again what you felt when you saw me for the first time

When a grandmother sees her grandchild for the first time, she flourishes as a person, advances as a human being, and emotions heighten to an indescribable level. It does not matter whether that little one is the first or the eighth grandchild. They are all like jewels on a beautiful necklace, like treasures of a new generation to be pampered with delicacy.

Today in ” You are Mom ” we want to pay a little tribute to these special women. Let’s talk in feminine and let’s talk about them, about those 2.0 grandmothers who are already described as the new generation of “super-women”. Many of them are very far from the classic image of the grandmother who bakes cookies and picks up her grandchildren from school. It is something new, more modern, interesting …

Nowadays, new terms are emerging to designate new and fantastic realities. Thus, the  “Glam-mas”, (glamorous grandmothers), part of an idea that emerged in the United States as a result of an interesting article in “ The New York Times” , where it was explained to us that this sector of the population has changed a lot in recent years.

Next, we give you all the data.

grandson with a flower hugging his grandmother

Something that many people can experience when suddenly, the first grandchild arrives, is that they have just entered the autumn of their lives. Am I as old as they say? Does the simple fact that my children have offspring mean that I am already “an old woman”? Absolutely.

Enthusiasm … and a hint of concern

When a 55- or 65-year-old woman sees that fragile, tiny and precious creature that is part of her legacy and that makes her a grandmother, the first thing she feels is fullness.

  • Thanks. First of all, that everything went well, that mother and child are healthy and that the whole process of childbirth has gone correctly. In addition, the wisest grandmothers know well that after the birth of a child, the space and privacy of the parents must be respected, therefore, they understand that it is best to stay in the background, but always attentive, always accessible in case. some time they need it.
  • On the other hand, beyond that satisfaction and that joy experienced, the woman who becomes a grandmother tends to internally reinitiate herself as a person. It is common. therefore, that some other concern appears.
  • He knows that from now on he will have to assume a certain role. Today’s grandmothers 2.0 have a very active social life Many of them even continue working and the majority sometimes assume multiple roles: they are couples, they are mothers, they are friends, they are part of the community …
  • It is common for them to ask themselves at times,  how to delimit each space and each responsibility. They know and understand that their role is not that of “raising” or “educating”, that aspect has already been left behind, and it is up to the parents . Today’s grandmothers only want one thing: to be that emotional support and that constant, kind and facilitating guide in the life of the newborn.
    grandmother with granddaughter hunting butterflies

    Since I saw you, I only want one thing: to be part of your heart

    In an interesting article published in the space “Psychology Today” entitled “Learning to Be a Grandmother” (learn to be a grandmother), we explained some very interesting. The first is that the mother-daughter relationship improves. Suddenly, a “friend-mentor” role is assumed that is very beneficial for both parties.

    The second detail is that socially, we need to reinterpret the roles of grandparents and grandmothers. In many families, and given the current times of crisis, they often act as financial and emotional support. Therefore, they need greater institutional recognition.

    Learning to be a grandmother implies first of all putting into motion an exceptional potential for self-fulfillment and personal growth and therefore, sometimes a society is needed that is more attentive and sensitive to our older generations, but incredibly active and important in our life. day to day.

    grandson kissing his grandmother

    On the other hand, the highest aspiration of any grandmother is to win the hearts of her grandchildren. She wants to live forever in a very special piece of her interior, she yearns to share as much time as possible with them, but she knows and understands that her quota of life is more limited than that of her grandchildren.

    Thus, one of their tasks is none other than to transmit an education based on emotions, on recognition, on the strength of a bond that must accompany that child forever, who will be an adult tomorrow. The grandmother will rise as her best model, a person who inspires, who gives good advice, who allows to grow without sanction, cultivate the illusion, be the daily hug, the hand that caresses, the gift given secretly and the smile of complicity. .

    Grandmothers 2.0 no longer represent the classic “grandmother” . They harbor the usual tenderness and affection but with the maturity, independence and character of the new millennium. And that… is incredibly positive for our little ones.

    Images courtesy Bruno Robert

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