6 Tips For A Safe Pregnancy After An Abortion

Here are some tips for having a safe pregnancy after abortion.
6 tips for a safe pregnancy after an abortion

Having a safe pregnancy is the concern of many women, especially after having lived the distressing experience of abortion. The first thing that should be done is to verify that the causes of this episode are solved or subjected to treatment. Then, the next step is to recover the body, return it to its normal characteristics and prepare everything for the new baby.

This whole process requires time, attention and physical and psychological care to ensure the best disposition of the parents. To do this, your doctor will recommend a series of studies that help identify what caused the abortion. With the results, the necessary measures can be determined to alleviate any abnormality that may affect a future pregnancy.  

How to have a safe pregnancy?

1. Give yourself time to recover emotionally

An abortion can cause intense feelings of distress, feelings of guilt, and loss. Naturally, these are not appropriate emotions to live and enjoy the pregnancy process again. It should also be borne in mind that abortions in an advanced stage of pregnancy can take longer to overcome.

2. Check that there is no damage to the reproductive system

Damage to internal organs or infections can occur after an abortion. In extreme cases there is a risk of decrease or loss of fertility. It is important to consult with your gynecologist to rule out physiological difficulties. Some medical tests that may be recommended to identify the causes of previous abortions and prevent them are:

  • Blood test. To check the immune system and hormonal balance that is necessary for a safe pregnancy.
  • Chromosome test.  To verify that your chromosomes and those of your partner are not the cause of the abortion.
    Safe pregnancy after abortion.
  • Ultrasound examination. To inspect the abdomen.
  • Hysteroscopy To check the fallopian tubes and uterus.
  • Sonohysterography. It allows to verify that the uterine floor is in good condition.

You also have to wait the prudent time for the menstrual cycle to regain its regularity, especially the luteal phase. If you want to conceive again, the uterine floor must be healthy and strong and your progesterone levels at normal level.

3. Prenatal vitamins

When planning the arrival of a baby to the family, it is advisable to choose good prenatal vitamins. In this way you increase the quantity and quality of the essential nutrients that you provide to the developing child. You can get those over the counter or prescribed by your doctor. The most important elements are folic acid, calcium and iron.

4. Avoid excessive physical exertion at home and at work

Everyday household chores that are very simple can become dangerous when you are pregnant. You should avoid actions such as exposure to chemicals or lifting heavy objects. It is also not good for you to reach things with stools or ladders, to collect garbage with toxic components or to stand for a long time, especially in front of the stove or in the oven.

5. Monitor changes in your weight

The need and demand for nutrients are greater for a safe pregnancy. Because of this, it is normal for you to gain a few pounds. In this sense, it is essential to verify that there is a balance in weight: if it is a lot, it will be difficult to lose after delivery and, if it is too little, the baby would be at risk of experiencing insufficient growth at the time of birth.

6. Improve your eating habits

In addition to drinking enough water, you should make sure to eat six balanced meals throughout the day. The most recommended for pregnant mothers are those rich in folate: cereals, asparagus, lentils, fish and oranges will be your best allies. Remember that folic acid contributes to the proper development of the baby.

Safe pregnancy after abortion.

In addition, it is advisable to limit caffeine consumption in pregnancy. If you want to snack between meals, the healthiest option is to choose a fruit with natural sugar that increases your energy levels.

These tips will help you have a safe pregnancy after an abortion. Remember that to begin you must make sure that you are emotionally prepared to ensure a loving and rewarding process for you, your partner and the baby that is on the way.

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