My Father Also Heals Wounds With Kisses And Sings Lullabies To Me

My father also heals wounds with kisses and sings lullabies to me

A parent also understands emotions. He also heals wounds with kisses, sings lullabies, knows how to make braids and quenches fears with tales of good dragons and warrior princesses. However, we know, sometimes it seems as if only mothers have the exclusivity of this upbringing based on affection and the most delicate and sensitive emotions.

Today parents know very well what their role is. Far from establishing that separation of roles where the woman was left in charge of the children while he was in charge of maintaining the home, today these exclusivities are changing.

The parents change diapers, prepare baby food, relieve crying and also remain exhausted on the living room sofa with their baby overcome by sleep. In fact, the number of single-parent families where it is the man who raises one or more children continues to increase. It is a reality more than evident. They too fall victim to the power of oxytocin, that hormone that favors the need for attention, care, affection and protection.

So much so, that there are many studies that show us something that we undoubtedly already know. Concordia University of Canada revealed that Enjoy a childhood with a father who is active in the education of his children and who also offers a close and affectionate bond, reverts in a very positive way to the maturity of these children tomorrow.

What’s more, they even had a higher IQ (the more stimuli and the quality of the interactions, the greater the neural connection). A topic without a doubt interesting that we want to talk to you about next.

My father, a great emotional agent

As we all know, there are good and bad fathers, just as there are unloving mothers and moms who give everything for their children. No one comes into this world knowing everything or feeling truly ready for parenting. However, when the moment happens in most of us a fabulous mechanism is turned on where almost without knowing how, we do everything really well.

Regardless of tiredness, sleepiness, fear or worry, in the end, mothers and fathers stand as great pillars for the development of that baby. And parents are active agents capable of giving the same emotional shelter as a mother.

They cannot breastfeed, but they will help you with whatever you need

Mom has a tough but wonderful task ahead of her that will take her at least 6 months. We talk about breastfeeding. Far from what many may think, the father is not left aside during this time.

  • A father also knows what episiotomy is and will take care of the mother while she is in the puerperium. She will also wake up with you to find out if you need anything when you breastfeed your child at night.
  • Household tasks such as changing diapers, checking the stock of changes, preparing clothes, baths or cleaning pacifiers, are no longer the exclusive province of the mother. The father knows this and no longer expects anyone to tell him what to do.

It will be your support, your daily ally and the watchful figure of that fragile baby who loves to feel by his side.

Father with his daughter

Growing together in happiness

A man’s brain changes during rearing. He may not perceive it, but you as a mother and as his partner will perceive this exceptional change.

You will be more aware, more responsive, and incredibly protective. In fact, a study carried out at the University of Israel reached these same conclusions.

  • The level of testosterone drops in a man’s brain as he spends more time with his partner and children. This allows you to be much more receptive and emotional to develop that intense need for protection and care.
  • Also, and as the baby grows, the father continues with his active role. Never hesitate to give the best of yourself to your son or daughter. Hugs, kisses, bedtime stories, songs, and games are also daddy’s territory. Moreover, sometimes and as curious as it may seem, fathers can be much more permissive than mothers.

Some of us may have grown up with a present but absent father figure. There where despite being physically, a distance and a coldness is established in the relationship between parents and children. Something that, whether we like it or not, leaves a mark on us. It is a void that always hurts.

Father with his daughter

Therefore, if you are a mother and have an active partner present in every task, in every detail, step and moment, rest assured that your children are lucky, just like you. Because that love without limits will revert directly to that child who awaits a wonderful future.

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