The Best Positions For Childbirth

Did you know that the classic birthing position is inadvisable for many reasons? We leave you a list of the best positions for childbirth so that you can consider the advantages and complications of each of them.
The best positions for childbirth

Throughout history, the positions in which women gave birth have been mutating. The most common today, called lithotomy, was introduced in 1668 by Dr. François Mauriceau. However, its use is discouraged for many reasons. So what are the best positions for childbirth?

Many academics and practitioners of gynecology have made huge criticisms of the typical posture for giving birth. In it, the woman is lying on her back, in a supine position and with her legs raised. These, in turn, are usually placed on supports to prevent movement.

The fundamentals of its use are twofold. On the one hand, the constant control of the baby’s heart rate, something that, according to the World Health Organization, is an unnecessary intervention in many cases.

On the other hand, and although it sounds strange, it is for the comfort of medical assistants. Since it would be very difficult to assist a woman moving and changing position, this method was implemented. The funny thing is that the patient is the one who adjusts to the medical needs, when it should be precisely the other way around.

Risks of the supine horizontal position

After this necessary introduction, it is worth highlighting the risks of this birthing position:

  • Possibilities of risk for the baby, since the blood vessels that supply oxygenated blood are compressed.
  • The mother’s pain increases.
  • It cancels the possible effect of gravity to favor delivery and lengthens the fetus’ journey towards the exit.
  • It immobilizes the woman, which delays the dilation and prolongs the process.
  • Increases the risks of serious perineal injuries.
  • It implies an invasive medicalization of labor that is not always necessary.

The best positions for childbirth

Considering the above, we will detail a list of the best positions for childbirth. The choice of any of them will depend on the preferences and specific needs of each woman.

The traditional birthing posture is contraindicated for many reasons.

1.- With the vertical trunk

This section includes the standing and kneeling positions. The main advantages are the use of the force of gravity in favor of the descent of the baby and also the correct feto-pelvic alignment.

Also, the main blood vessels are not compressed. Consequently, there is no risk to the baby and neither will the mother suffer from high blood pressure. Contractions, meanwhile, will be more intense and effective, but less painful.

The downside is that control over the push is reduced. Therefore, if the expulsion occurs too quickly, there is a possibility of tearing. It also makes it difficult for another person to attend.

2.- Sitting

It can be in bed, on the floor, on a ball or even on a chair, facing the backrest. It has benefits similar to the previous one in terms of gravity and alignment.

When the baby’s head comes out, another position must be adopted because the support would make it impossible to expel. However, the positive of sitting is that it allows monitoring and application of the epidurial. Also, the woman can take breaks.

3.- Lying on your side

In this way, the lower back is relaxed and blood circulation in the legs is promoted. It is good in cases of hypertension or hypotension, since the blood vessels are not pressed.

Contractions are longer but also more effective. It is considered one of the most effective positions, since it allows the woman to rest and considerably reduces the risk of perineal injuries.

4.- On your knees

It is usually done on a bed. The weight of the body should be dropped on the heels, while the knees are spread as far as possible and the toes are brought together. This favors dilation.

The sitting position is one of the best positions for childbirth.

Although it slows labor down a bit, gravity does not present difficulties in this position. In addition, it allows optimal oxygenation and removes the loads on the back.

It may be too tiring for a long labor, but a ball can be used to support the torso at times. Allow back massages.

Finally, it is necessary to emphasize that there is no perfect position. The ideal, in any case, is that the woman has freedom to move and choose what the body asks of her at that moment.

This, however, is difficult because it almost makes medical assistance impossible. Therefore, a middle point must be found where the woman feels free and there is also the possibility of helping her.

Many hospitals are taking steps in this regard; They thus facilitate the adoption of the best positions for childbirth.

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