Week 29 Of Pregnancy

In the 29th week of pregnancy, the baby moves about 10 times every two hours and measures about 38 centimeters. You are getting more and more ready to see the world!
Pregnancy week 29

Congratulations, you are already in week 29 of pregnancy! At this stage your baby continues its maturation process. Some of your organs are more than ready, while others continue to grow. You are likely to feel a bit tired, as insomnia is almost a constant and your head is set on labor.

The important thing is that you do not let yourself get cloudy or lose much joy. Take refuge in your family and partner to help you in all those things that require extra effort. Night rest, mental distraction and relaxation practices are essential.

Your belly is already quite prominent and it seems that from one moment to the next it has enlarged. Even if it prevents you from bending over or doing certain movements, enjoy it a lot! When the baby is outside you are sure to miss her.

Development of the baby in the 29th week of pregnancy

Your baby continues to grow actively, as the long-awaited due date is slowly approaching. In this 29th week of pregnancy, she measures between 37 and 38 centimeters from head to toe and weighs about 1,200 grams. It is the size of an acorn squash.

The baby is very active. Even some of his kicks could take your breath away for a moment. The normal thing is that it moves about 10 times every 2 hours. Some movements will be stronger than others, but you will be able to identify them.

It is important that you take the trouble to record these movements to know their patterns. In this way, if they decrease too much, you can call your doctor or consult a health service.

Organ development

The lungs are the organs that take the longest to mature, but each week they are more ready than the previous one. In this stage the pulmonary surfactant agent, a vital substance for the proper functioning of the alveoli, has increased. There is less to complete and it is viable for the baby to breathe normally outside the uterus.

Although studies indicate that a premature baby’s chances of survival depend on multiple factors, it has been documented that there is a higher than 80% chance that your baby will survive if born premature this week. Although you will need respiratory assistance, your chances are high.

Another of the organs that shows great changes this week is the brain. It has grown throughout the pregnancy, but its surface begins to have the folds and ridges that will remain in childhood and adulthood. Its functions include the control of temperature and respiration.

Your baby’s nervous system has reached such maturity that it can take in some external stimuli much better. That is why we insist that you talk to your child when possible. Put him to listen to music and read to him.

Eyes and bones

Your eyes are almost ready to see. Although the baby opens and closes his eyes in the womb, the stimulus of light is missing.

For its part, your little one’s bones are there, albeit somewhat gelatinous. This occurs because the ossification process has not yet been completed. In the remaining weeks they will become a little firmer.

Your body in the 29th week of pregnancy

Low back pain can appear in the 29th week of pregnancy.
Bothersome low back pain can be prevented or lessened with a few basic measures.

During week 29 of pregnancy your body continues to undergo changes. It is likely that some aches and pains will be accentuated, which are rooted in the growth of the uterus and the compression of some surrounding structures.

The most common symptoms this week include the following:

  • Colostrum secretion: from the 27th week of pregnancy, it is normal for the secretion of colostrum to begin, considered the first milk. Among its functions are the care of the breasts and, in the lactation stage, it provides important nutrients to the baby, as well as immunoglobulins to defend against infections.
  • Low back or leg pain: This can lead to a clinical condition known as sciatica or low back pain . Try not to carry too much weight, do stretching exercises and consult your doctor when you consider that your daily life is interrupted by the discomfort.
  • Restless legs syndrome: This curious condition is characterized by the need to move the legs constantly. It is accompanied by symptoms such as tingling and insomnia. It is frequent, especially if there is a family history.
  • Urinary tract infections: If you have pain or burning when urinating, you probably have a urinary tract infection. It is necessary that you inform your obstetrician immediately, since its timely treatment reduces the risks for the baby.
  • Nausea and vomiting: although they are common in early pregnancy, this week they can be triggered as a result of prolonged treatment with iron supplements, if this was the case. One way to reduce side effects is to change your intake schedule. Although it is recommended to eat on an empty stomach, before digestive discomfort you can choose to take iron 3 hours after lunch.
  • Weight gain : at this stage you will have already gained about 5 kilograms of weight or a little more. Do not worry! What is considered normal is to gain between 1 kilogram and 1.5 kilograms per month.

Tips and recommendations in the 29th week of pregnancy

With how advanced your pregnancy is, surely you already have an established eating routine. It is normal if you are eating between 5 and 7 times a day, between main courses and snacks.

It is worth reminding you that the consumption of iron with food is very important. This taking into account that, when you give birth, you lose a considerable amount of blood. Proteins from eggs, cheeses, lean meats, and fish are also necessary.

Regarding the latter, pay attention to the origin of the fish you buy. You should prefer trusted markets that ensure the safety of the product.

Couple tuning and perineal massages

If you have a partner, in the 29th week of pregnancy it will be necessary to strengthen the physical and emotional bond. In this particular stage, you will be able to lean on someone else to facilitate the process of preparing for childbirth.

Among these things we can mention the help in performing perineal massages. As the name implies, they are massages in the perineum, that is, the area of ​​skin and muscle between the vulva and the anus. This is done preventively to reduce the risk of tearing at birth.

Further studies

Regardless of the fact that you have had prenatal checkups in the previous weeks, your doctor may suggest some additional complementary methods. These studies may also be requested from mothers who, for various reasons, have not undergone them until now because they have not been constant in the controls:

  • Complete hematic biometry : this blood test is used to assess hemoglobin levels and verify the existence or not of anemia.
  • Serologies for HIV and VDRL : they allow detecting the presence of infectious diseases that can be harmful to the baby and to you. HIV serology points to AIDS disease and VDRL is for syphilis.
  • Partial Thromboplastin Time (PTT) and Prothrombin Time (PT) : These are used to determine the possibility of bleeding during labor. They can be ordered now or closer to your due date. If a cesarean section is scheduled for you, your doctor will require it to establish surgical risk.
  • Obstetric echo-sonogram : it is mandatory in each trimester and allows to evaluate the adequate development of the baby’s body, including listening to the heartbeat.

Frequently asked questions in week 29 of pregnancy

If you are a new mother, you will likely be full of doubts the further the pregnancy progresses. Although having more children does not exempt you from having questions. Each baby is a different universe.

1. Is it normal to feel contractions at this time?

In the late second trimester, brief, painless contractions in the lower abdomen, known as Braxton-Hicks contractions, are common . These are harmless and are the consequence of the uterus being trained  for future labor.

In case of presenting painful contractions and very often, you could be facing a premature birth. In this case, medical attention is required.

2. Can I drink alcohol or smoke to calm my anxiety?

No. It is normal that in this week of pregnancy there is anxiety, stress and insomnia, but under no circumstances should you go to alcohol or tobacco, not even in small amounts.

These substances are toxic and, no matter what stage of pregnancy you are in, they have harmful effects on the developing baby. If you have any kind of addiction, your pregnancy is likely high risk. If this is your case, you should seek professional medical help.

The 29th week of pregnancy is to share with the family

In the 29th week of pregnancy, family and partner support is essential. Sharing with them, making plans in which you can participate and talking helps you reduce anxiety. In addition, this strengthens the bond with the baby.

Although you should not be guided by the experiences of other mothers, talking with your friends and family members who are mothers helps. With them you can be very honest about how you feel, about what you have discovered and what you expect. You will be able to decide which of all the conversations to stay with and relax a little about your doubts and fears.

Pregnancy week 30

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