Tips For Proper Oral Hygiene For Children

Tips for proper oral hygiene for children

Believe it or not, in summer the chances of cavities appearing in your mouth multiply. As temperatures rise, we are away from home more time. This means that the little ones dine out, have ice cream and brush their teeth less. These practices favor without us noticing the appearance of oral problems. Therefore, today we want to present you some tips to maintain children’s oral hygiene.

Tips for proper oral hygiene for children

Drinking water

If it is important to hydrate the skin, the mouth is no less. Think that with heat we lose more liquid. Hence, hydrating correctly helps prevent infections and inflammations in the mouth.

Also keep in mind that the lack of saliva increases the appearance of bacterial plaque. This can lead to gum infections developing.

Have a healthy diet

For perfect children’s oral hygiene, a healthy diet must be followed. Seasonal foods will be the protagonists. This is undoubtedly one of the keys.

Both fruit and vegetables can become excellent allies to carry out light meals and with foods that contain a high percentage of water. Go for products that are high in calcium, excellent for strong teeth.

Fruits and vegetables contribute to proper oral hygiene for children and adults

Do not abuse sugary products

If there is an enemy of the teeth, that is the sugar. In addition, it is not a novelty that with the heat more slush drinks are drunk, more soft drinks and more ice creams are taken. This can have negative consequences for the health of your teeth.

To prevent this from becoming a problem, try setting a limit and have your teeth brushed immediately after eating. Sugary drinks cause enamel to darken, leading to faster tooth decay.

Take care of the hygiene routine

With the arrival of summer and the heat, we tend to spend more time away from home. That is why it is important to maintain the oral hygiene routine. Do not forget  that you have to brush your teeth a minimum of 3 times a day and that each brushing has to last  at  least 2 minutes. Likewise, it is recommended to use dental floss and rinse so that the cleaning is more effective and deep.

Whenever you travel, include an emergency children’s oral hygiene kit in your suitcase. This kit should contain a brush, mouthwash and toothpaste. Keep in mind that abandoning oral hygiene habits during vacations, for example, or during the days off that we spend away from home, is one of the common causes of tooth decay.

Protect lips from the sun

Although it may seem that the lips do not need sun protection, nothing is further from the truth. Just as you would not hesitate to protect your child’s skin when you go to the beach, you should not doubt either that their lips need similar care. Use a good cocoa with protection to take care of them. Sun exposure is a risk factor for the development of oral cancer.

Avoid sudden changes in temperature in meals

Many of the cold foods and drinks that we consume during the summer can cause dental discomfort and hypersensitivity. To avoid this, your child will have to brush his teeth after eating with gentle rotating or sweeping movements from the gum towards the tooth. It is also advisable to use specific toothpastes or gels for the treatment of sensitive teeth.

Swim yes, but wisely

Although you may never have thought about it, excessive swimming can erode and weaken your teeth. This is due to the high chlorine content that we find in most swimming pools. So if your little ones go swimming, pay regular attention to the condition of their teeth.

So  brush your teeth after swimming to avoid possible damage from pool chemicals. An example of this type of problem is the pathology known as “swimmer’s tartar”, which is common in elite athletes who practice swimming.

After swimming it is advisable to brush your teeth to avoid the appearance of tartar

If you do contact sports, watch your teeth

If your children do contact sports, keep in mind that it will be recommended that they wear mouth guards to protect their teeth from possible mouth fractures or trauma.

Also, remember that it is advisable to visit the dentist at least once a year to perform a thorough oral cleaning. Taking care of oral health should be one of the priorities for both children and adults.

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