11 Tips To Show Authority From Love

It is important that parents guide our children and educate them showing authority, but always with love and patience. Children need limits and rules to be happy.
11 tips to show authority from love

Just as ships need a captain to direct them, children need their parents to guide them with authority from love. The important thing is that the little ones know that their parents are the ones who are at the helm ; If we do not do it with authority, they will try to take command and things will end up getting complicated.

Therefore, parents must educate with rules and limits, but we also have to do it with affection and love ; this will be key to a well-rounded education. All parents are concerned with doing well with our children and one of the things we have to take into account is to educate from love.

Educating with authority from love, the best formula for a good education

If parents are slow to realize that we are losing the address of our child, it may be more difficult to redirect them, but not impossible. The best thing is to exercise authority from the love of our children and have a lot of will and patience. This would be the key to establishing a good education.

Mother with her daughter learning to show authority from love.

If a child grows up without limits or norms, he will feel insecure and with low self-esteem, and this can cause him to behave in an inappropriate way and cause harm to other people and himself. If we educate our children under firm, consistent and loving foundations, it will give them enough security to realize their abilities, strengths and weaknesses.

Gaining confidence in ourselves can help us establish a plan of action to raise our children with lots of love, but with authority. So, next, we are going to see some tips to follow to do it. Do not miss them!

Tips to educate our children with authority from love

If we educate from love, but with authority, we will be guiding our children towards happiness. And if we’re not doing it that way yet, we don’t have to worry: tomorrow is a good day to start doing it. The important thing is to strive to get a good education for them. Let’s see some tips to show authority from love.

Have confidence that we can do it

Trusting that we will do it well and speaking to our children with firm and sure phrases will greatly improve the way we educate them. If we decide that we want to guide our little ones by being firm, we must not hesitate; We have to move on and, when faced with problems, not doubt, but look for solutions.

If we have not yet begun to be firm, we will make a plan for it

What aspects of our children would we like to change? Looking for different alternatives to offer changes in those behaviors that they have can be of great help.

Find activities to enjoy as a family to show authority from love

We can also look for activities that help us connect with our children. Doing things that amuse us and make us happy, of course, always being present and accompanying them in them. That children see that their parents enjoy with them makes them very happy.

Relax the measures a bit based on your progress and achievements

Congratulating them and letting them know that we trust them is very important.

Do not use the law of the strongest to show authority from love

The important thing is not to be above them or to show them our power, but to establish agreements and negotiate to benefit everyone.

When we set a limit, we always have to explain why

Whenever we explain this, we must do so by making them see the positive part of that limit.

Faced with a decision we make, we must not change it

If we make a decision regarding the consequences of our child’s bad behavior, no matter how much the little one insists, we should not change this decision.

More tips to show authority from love

Father talking to his children on the couch about obedience.

Exercise our authority always

No matter how bad our day has been, we cannot help but exercise our authority at home with our children.

Finding the balance between authority and permissiveness

Each family has to find its balance. Let’s get to it!

If we make a promise, we must always keep it

If we promise something to our child, we must keep it, because, if we do not do it, the little one will have a feeling of injustice and it will not favor our connection with him.

We don’t have to lecture; active communication is much better

Children tend to ignore raptors, so it is much better to have a conversation with them and explain things to them.

As you have seen, it is not so difficult to show authority from love. If we carry out certain actions and put into practice these tips that we have shown here, surely the task will be easier for you.

All parents want our children to be well educated and also to be happy. If we do it being firm, loving, patient, with large doses of love and patience, we will not have problems in the education of our children.

It’s never too late to change the course of the ship and redirect it, so if you think there is something you are failing at, change the course and make a plan to do it. Let’s go for it!

Are you letting go of your authority as a parent?

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