10 Mantras For You And Your Children

10 mantras for you and your children

I think that one of our missions in life is to create. But create what, you will ask yourself or wondered at some point in your life. And there is the detail: We must discover it. Sometimes life screams it at us, sometimes it comes out effortlessly, other times we don’t see it so easy. To create we have to believe in ourselves and a good way to gain confidence is by repeating mantras.

In the literature I researched it says that the etymological meaning of the word mantra comes from two words: Mans (mind) and tra (liberation). Mantras may or may not have literal or syntactic meaning.

By concentrating on the repetition of the sound, all other thoughts gradually fade away until the mind is clear and calm. Mantras use a subliminal medium and act on the unconscious plane.

There are many famous mantras, such as the well known and powerful OM. (OMMMM we say in joke while we join the thumb and index finger of our hands, when something deserves our patience).

There are some that are uploaded on YouTube and you can put them at home while you do a task. They will serve the whole family, especially your child.


Why use mantras

You will already know that since we were children we have heard some phrases or statements that we believe to be true. In fact, I consider that in certain houses there are mantras – or phrases that are repeated incessantly – such as: It is done like this because I say it or you do not know how to do that, you are clumsy for this task. And sometimes we don’t even realize it, but we grow up believing that they are true from listening to them so much.

But just as you believed negative things about yourself or life in general, you can believe positive aspects. You can defeat an idea that limits you if you regularly repeat affirmative expressions or mantras to yourself. And the mantras don’t have to be in Sanskrit. Well you can make yours and your children’s have fun with them.

What’s more, writing this article “discovered” something. In Latin America, where most of us are Catholic, the custom of asking our parents and close family members for blessings is deeply rooted. We all say: Blessed mom, blessed dad. And they answer us: May God bless you, to which we respond: Amen, which means so be it.
That is a very beautiful mantra. It must be said with love, with respect, with reverence ; You have to ask for it and receive it in the same way so that it does not become an idiom.

Here I found some mantras that, as a mother, you can repeat to yourself:

  • My kids love me and trust me
  • The art of motherhood is teaching the art of living to my children
  • I have so much to be thankful for
  • The best gift and the best investment for my children is my time
  • May God give me wisdom to raise my child

Mantras for children

Repeating a mantra can help your child to better connect with his inner world, mantras are a beneficial and simple tool for this.

Another benefit is that they enhance your inner knowledge and reaffirm your self-esteem. They also develop a broader and more flexible vision to solve the challenges that they face.

They also reduce the lack of concentration contributing to the development of attention, memory and imagination. And they help them to channel their energy properly, harmonizing their personality and character.

I remember a scene from the movie The Help in which the protagonist, when she combs a girl’s hair, who is mistreated, says: You are beautiful and intelligent. It is repeated during the morning and at night. You can use these types of techniques to reinforce his self-esteem, to make him feel loved and even to help solve cases of buillyng.

Here I share some mantras that your child can repeat, you know they are only examples, but you can create your own phrases.

  • I am the health and well-being in my soul and my body
  • I am joy
  • I am beauty
  • I am strength
  • I am intelligent.

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