13 Feeding Tips For Babies Up To 3 Years

It is important to avoid offering your baby food or formula that is high in sugar, as this can harm your health.
13 feeding tips for babies up to 3 years

Baby feeding is very important. A proper diet allows them to have good health and prevent chronic diseases. In this article we are going to see feeding tips for babies up to 3 years of age, so that they are strong and healthy children.

During the first year of life, whenever possible, breastfeeding is recommended and it is recommended that if you want or can, it is maintained for up to two years. This reduces the risk of developing autoimmune diseases, according to an article published in the journal “Frontiers in Pediatrics.”

Breast milk has all the nutrients and components that the baby needs for its development and growth. From 6 months onwards, complementary feeding begins, with milk still being the main source of food, be it maternal or artificial.

If you don’t want to miss the baby feeding tips, read on.

Feeding tips for babies up to 3 years

Give him food whenever he wants

If the baby is breastfed, allow him to breastfeed whenever he wants.

Avoid the bottle with sugary drinks

Do not use the bottle with sugary drinks, such as packaged juices. This increases the risk of cavities. It is also necessary to observe the labels of formula milk, as many contain large amounts of simple sugars, which is detrimental to the health of the baby. This is stated in an article published in the “Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition”.

Do not force the child to eat if he does not want to

If a child does not want to take a certain food, or does not feel like eating more, we should not force him to eat. They are the ones who decide how much they take and if they want more or not.

Integrate the child at the table from the year

From the year on, you can put the child at the table, so that he can eat with the rest of the family, although at first he will need a lot of attention and help to eat. But this will encourage integration with the family at mealtime.

Playing and touching food is necessary for the development of children

In this way they learn. The skills are acquired little by little, so you have to let him eat alone, even if this means that he gets dirty and we have to clean. We must facilitate your initiative of autonomy when eating.

Limit the consumption of precooked food

Fast food (pizzas, hamburgers) contain saturated fat, sugar, and salt. We must give him food that is as healthy and natural as possible.

Always have breakfast

Children have to always eat breakfast, and do it in the healthiest and most varied way possible.

Avoid nuts up to 4 years

Nuts are dangerous because they can cause choking (almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts, quicos, etc.). We must avoid them until the age of 4 and always with caution.

Eat often

Children need to eat often. We must provide them with nutritious and healthy snacks to snack between meals. This will prevent them from eating other non-recommended foods (sweets, chips, packaged juices, cookies, etc.).

Physical activity

In addition to a good diet, physical activity is important, which from the first year to 3, is play. So let him play and have fun, join him in his games and enjoy.

Let him help you buy

From the age of two, children can already “help” to go shopping. In addition, you can intervene in the preparation of food (washing vegetables, squeezing an orange, preparing a sandwich, taking out instruments that are needed, etc.). Let him collaborate, always under your supervision.

Do not reward or punish with food

After good behavior, do not reward with sweets or trinkets and do not yell, scold or punish him to eat. We should praise the things he does well and ask for things in a pleasant way, always using “please” and “thank you.” Children are sponges who learn by watching adults, let’s be a good example.

Healthy and balanced diet

It is important that they follow healthy and balanced eating guidelines, since it is in childhood that the foundations of a healthy and correct diet are established.

Take special care of your child’s diet during his first years

You already have some feeding tips for babies, put them into practice and you will see how your children will grow up healthy and happy. Once we establish a routine, everything will be easier.

Remember that establishing good eating habits during childhood will improve your child’s acceptance of food in the future. This will help improve your health.

The importance of a balanced diet

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