10 Benefits Of Essential Oils For Babies And Children

Essential oils have beneficial properties. Next, we will talk about some of them and we will tell you which are the most used.
10 benefits of essential oils for babies and children

Essential oils for babies and children are natural products derived from aromatic plants, which are used worldwide for disinfection, as substances r elajantes, antiinflammatory and stimulating and potential in clinical medicine.

Due to their various biological properties and medicinal uses , they are being used more and more. In fact, today there are many people who use them in different ways. Here are 10 benefits of essential oils for babies and children.

Benefits of essential oils for babies and children

Essential oils are one of the most effective options to many of the treatments and creams. In turn, sometimes they  allow us more variants of use. Its forms of use can be topical, food, flavoring and drinkable.

1. Healing power

There are different essential oils whose use contributes positively in the last stages of healing. Currently, the most widely used for this purpose is rosehip oil. The application is recommended every day on scars and stretch marks. Its use is even useful for the prevention of acne lesions.

Lavender essential oils for babies and children.

2. Relaxing effect, one of the benefits of essential oils for babies and children

St. John’s wort oil, or St. John’s wort oil, is one of the most widely used oils with relaxing effects. In turn, its presentations are in tablets, capsules, tea or liquid extract.

It tends to lower serum adrenaline levels, thus helping to manage levels of stress, euphoria, or excitement. This type of oil is used in pictures of emotional and behavioral complications of children.

3. Antibacterial function

Several oils are those that have antibacterial properties, however, coconut oil is the one that causes the most attraction in this regard.

Likewise, the essential oil of Tea Tree Oil is known for its antiseptic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.

4. Moisturizing, another of the benefits of essential oils for babies and children

Avocado essential oil is one of the most hydrating, it is even the most chosen for dry skin. In addition, it contains a large amount of vitamin A, Vitamin E and fatty acids that are beneficial for the correct nutrition of the skin.

In turn, another of the oils that has important moisturizing benefits is lavender. It also plays an effective role in skin regeneration.

5. Treatment of bruises and bruises

One of the most effective essential oils for the resolution of bruises and bumps is that of arnica. This comes from a vegetable oil and just a few drops and the friction of the area help its favorable evolution.

It helps prevent blood from pooling in the area of ​​the blow and developing a bruise. Therefore, it improves circulation and works as a painkiller.

6. Sleep conciliator

Various oils are used to promote and help children fall asleep. Just 2 or 3 drops of lavender essential oil in a discontinuous steam diffuser has a powerful relaxing effect.

Essential oil diffuser.

St. John’s wort oil is also helpful in this regard. In addition, Roman chamomile is indicated for those children who are afraid at night. Also, marjoram calms anxiety, reduces hyperactivity and stress, and its fragrance is very mild.

7. Relieve headaches

There are several essential oils that can significantly reduce the pain caused by migraines. Studies carried out by European Neurology conclude that the inhalation of lavender essential oil can be an effective and safe therapeutic option in the management of migraine headaches.

8. Cradle cap treatment

In skin diseases characterized by the presence of flaking , the use of almond oil is indicated to remove the scales. It is indicated in cradle cap, scalp psoriasis or seborrheic dermatitis.

9. Intestinal cramps or gas

There are various essential oils with antispasmodic properties, that is, they calm stomach spasms and the discomfort they generate.

Some of them are ginger, chamomile, and lavender. Peppermint essential oil also helps with good gastric and intestinal function and, therefore, with proper digestion.

10. Flu or colds

The use of essential oils in their aromatic forms provides relief from nighttime symptoms of children with colds. Effective options are camphor, menthol, and eucalyptus oils. Some oils with antiviral properties are chamomile oil and maleluca oil.

Essential oils for babies and children.

Choosing essential oils for babies and children

The use of essential oils for babies and children is recommended as long as they are organic and not synthetic. However, it is vital to avoid use in infants younger than 3 months.

Regarding the choice of essential oils, they must be certified BIO (from certified organic farming) and those that contain irritating agents for babies, such as menthol, phenol, eucalyptus and ketone must be avoided.

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