Benefits Of Routines For Children

Routines encourage organization and creativity. Discover what are the benefits of having routines from the first years of life!
Benefits of routines for children

Children need routines to feel safe and to be able to learn that things have a structure and a logical order. Routines provide children with safety, well-being and comfort and parents, who also benefit from everything that routines bring to their lives, are in charge of creating and maintaining them. Next I want to talk to you about the benefits of routines for children.

Like parents, routines also offer children control. By being able to predict what will happen next and what is expected of them, they will be able to have some control over the situation and feel much more secure. Routines help children develop better in all aspects.

Routines eliminate power struggles

Routines eliminate power struggles, since you will not be giving orders to the child all the time, he will already know what to do. For example, if you have to brush your teeth, take a nap, turn off the television after dinner … your child will already know that it is time to do it and will be able to anticipate it, something that will provide security and control in the situation. This way, parents will stop being ‘the bad guys’ of the moment and children will be able to carry out the activities they know are appropriate.


Children cooperate more and better

The routines will also help children to be more aware of cooperation and, of course, to be more cooperative. This will help them reduce stress and anxiety, both in themselves and at the family level. When everyone knows what is coming next, there will be a reasonable warning for transitions and no one will feel forced to do anything, everyone will know that it is time to cooperate for balance and for the good of the family.

Children are able to do their thing

Over time, children will learn to brush their own teeth, make backpacks, put away their clothes… they will be able to take charge of their own activities without the need for constant reminders. Children love to take care of themselves, because that way they feel a certain control in their lives. This feeling increases your sense of dominance and competence. Children feel more independent with routines and are able to take charge of themselves, which will make them less of a need to rebel and oppose authority.

Children learn to cooperate to achieve goals

Children learn to look beyond the present moment. For example, if your child wants to go to the park during his free time, he will know that at this time he has to do homework, clear the table or fix his clothes – whichever corresponds. If you want to enjoy good consequences, you must comply with the demands of the routines. 


It will help them sleep better

Regular routines help children to have a schedule so that they will be able to sleep more easily at night and calm down at the end of the day. The daily structure in addition to helping you understand the day, it will also help you to structure yourself mentally.

Increase the connection between parents and children

Routines help parents create moments of emotional connection with children. All parents know that it is necessary to connect with children every day, but when our attention is focused on their movements for routines we can miss opportunities to connect with children. It is necessary to be somewhat flexible in routines and be aware that they will not always be at the same time nor will they be the same. 

But it is necessary to build small rituals of connection within the routines so that they become a habit. For example, in the morning you can welcome your children with pampering, at night you can give them a loving hug, you can always talk to them lovingly, etc.

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