7 Tips To Have A Healthy Relationship With My Partner

Lack of communication, absence of dialogue, too many differences and even physical, verbal and gestural violence. There are many factors that jeopardize the stability of the couple. For this, and although everything will depend on each person, there are guidelines to follow.
7 tips to have a healthy relationship with my partner

Being good together and standing the test of time define success in love. Of course, starting a courtship is usually much easier than maintaining it. If you already have with whom, surely many times you will ask yourself ” How can I have a healthy relationship with my partner?”

Statistics suggest that everything plays against couples. According to these data, 60% of men and 40% of women are unfaithful in the West. Likewise, worldwide divorce numbers have skyrocketed by more than 100% in the last decade.

To this, we must add the percentage of couples who, unfortunately, live in situations of violence. However, there is still a margin of people who have managed to have long and fairly healthy relationships. With the following tips, we can all do it.

7 tips to have a healthy relationship with my partner

1. The keyword: patience

We all want a stable relationship, but few of us are. So when the first problem occurs, we tend to react outrageously. He who feels the need for freedom returns to his single life, and the jealous explode for anything.

Actually, patience is key in healthy relationships. Understanding that there are differences and that the goal is to stay together despite them is central at all times. Great loves fight, but they know that this is perfectly normal, and even healthy.

2. Everyone has their space

Having a relationship, courtship, cohabitation or marriage does not mean that the couple should do everything together. On the contrary, each person has the right to keep their space to do their things : work, hobbies, studies, etc.

During the puerperium it is essential to discharge emotionally with a friend.

Successful relationships are those in which its members can develop their love with the rest of their priorities. In fact, the commitment should be the security that each one needs to understand the rest of the realities of the loved one.

3. The couple must help us grow

There are those who believe that the idea of ​​love implies giving up everything to please those you love. To tell the truth, the couple is more of a complement that helps us to develop as individuals.

In this way, our ideal partner will always agree with who we are and with our dreams. Whoever truly loves does not hinder or is selfish. We could understand it as a kind of assistant who wants to see us achieve happiness.

4. Jealousy must be controlled

We all have a bit of territoriality in our hearts. However, we must remember that jealousy and possessiveness are two of the causes that generate more breakups. A pinch is fine and understandable, but too much can be harmful.

Jealousy is precisely that component that intoxicates any relationship. They make us lose space and, in the end, the relationship goes from love to domination. In possession and obsession, no one can exist or be who he is.

5. Communication will give any love extra years.

Many wonder “how to have a healthy relationship with my partner”, but few are able to ask that special person. Instead of looking for advice on the internet, it is best to ask the other party what they want.

Communication has saved more couples than any existing therapist or psychological therapy. To do this, you have to know how to say things and also listen. At times, we will have to hear a word that we simply will not like.

6. Tips to have a healthy relationship with my partner: the differences

We are not all the same and, if we were, how boring would human existence be. Being different should not make us question the relationship. Although it is good to have interests in common, this does not define success in love.

Knowing how to cope with differences is one of the tips to have a healthy relationship with my partner.

In reality, there are thousands of stories starring totally opposite people. Faced with differences, we must work on three values: patience, tolerance and respect. If there is love, you can always find a middle ground.

7. We must always be ourselves

If we cannot feel free, the logical thing is that sooner or later we get tired. Therefore, good marriages and couples are those in which no one stops being genuine. Love cannot be a betrayal of ourselves.

For all this, we must repeat the following: “Having a healthy relationship with my partner involves being able to be myself.” We refer to the long-awaited acceptance, which must be total and consensual. When someone loves us for who we are, the rest can be very simple.

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