6 Family Games Using Only Paper And Pen

Play and enjoy as a family using only a sheet of paper and a pen. Are you going to miss it?
6 family games using just pen and paper

Electronic devices, as well as social networks and the internet make those boredom times that we usually have at home much more bearable due to all the new content that we find every minute.

However, that free time that we have and with which we get bored has to  help us enjoy the people we have around us. Doing activities as a family is one of the best options you should have on the table.

Without a doubt, one of the best activities to do as a family is games. Therefore, today we show you a series of games to play as a family using only paper and pen. In this way, you will forget for a while all the chores and responsibilities and you will dedicate yourself to having fun and laughing together. Shall we start?

Family games using only pen and paper

Father and son playing games using only pen and paper.


Although it has become one of the most downloaded games on digital platforms in recent months, this mythical game was born through paper and pen. It consists of drawing a table and including in it several different concepts such as:

  • Name.
  • Food.
  • Animal.
  • Town.

Second, you have to choose a letter from the alphabet by lottery. With the letter that comes out, you must fill in each of the previous fields using that letter to start the words. The first member to say Stop!” Will win . . Thus, each of the fields will be scored as follows:

  • 10 points if no one has repeated the word.
  • 5 points if the word is repeated by another player.
  • 0 points if you have not included any words.


Without a doubt, one of the most traditional and mythical family games using only paper and pen is the Hangman game . It consists of thinking of a word and drawing as many hyphens as there are letters in the word. The opposing team or person must match each letter.

If the letter is correct, it is placed in its position. However, if it fails, the different parts of a hanging doll will be drawn. If this drawing is completed without guessing the hidden word, the game is over.


One of the simplest and most fun family games using only paper and pen. The objective is the following: to manage to place three Xs or three circles in a line on a three-by-three square of the board.

Each of the players will have a different turn and, in addition to achieving their goal, they must prevent the other from achieving it. Cunning and full-fledged concentration!

More family games using pen and paper

Hangman game.

Sink the float

The boats are the protagonists of this traditional game. Although many families have the version that includes two briefcases with two fleets and seas, this simple game can also be done on a sheet of paper just using a pen.

The goal is to knock down all the other player’s ships, matching the position in which they are placed. Therefore, it is necessary that neither of you see the other’s folio.

Tell me what I am / Tell me who I am

On a card or sheet of paper divided in half, we will write the name of a person, animal or thing. The team that writes it must give it to the other team without one of them seeing it, since that person must place the card on their forehead and guess who or what it is through the clues of their teammates.

Tautograms , one of the family games using only paper and pen that will help children’s learning

An ideal game for those children who are learning to build sentences, as well as to use the different letters of the alphabet.

The game consists of choosing a letter and creating a whole phrase where each of the words begins with that letter, except for prepositions and articles.

An example would be the following: Miguel lied and waved his hand . In this way, children will have the possibility to learn while having fun. The player who manages to make the longest sentences with the chosen letter will win.

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