The Decalogue Of The Good Father

The Decalogue of the Good Father

Being a parent is one of the most wonderful experiences and also one of the most complicated, especially if you are looking to be good in all areas.

Being a good parent is not an easy task and you may make a lot of mistakes halfway. Follow this decalogue that we have prepared in You are mom . You will see that they are very clear rules that will help you have a better idea of ​​what to do.

1.- Meet your son

It is essential that you know your child and know what makes him happy , what irritates him, what saddens him, what pleases him, what worries him and what makes him desperate.

You must be very observant with your children to understand the reason for their behavior. This will allow you to better target their actions and correct inappropriate behaviors.

2.- Respect your children

A good parent understands that respect is earned. He will not try to achieve this through yelling or mistreatment. On the contrary, you will look for suitable spaces and moments to talk with your child

You will also respect the autonomy of your little ones and avoid being a helicopter parent.

3.- You will stimulate the growth of your child

A good father builds trust in his son . It will help you develop your skills, assimilate your mistakes and adapt to changes.

For this, it is necessary that you highlight the positive results, the effort, the progress and the process of their work.

4.- You will show affection

shows affection

All children need a person to love and who loves them . This is why a good father has to express his love with caresses, kisses, words, hugs.

With this you will help your child to grow up confident, confident and with high self-esteem.

5.- You will promote fun times

To be a good father you must devise and dedicate time to recreational activities both with the family and with each of your children . The dynamics and games should be chosen by everyone, making sure they are pleasant and enjoyable.

6.- Autonomy and independence

A good father allows his children to make their own decisions and to bear the consequences of them. This will develop your independence and their spirit of responsibility towards themselves and towards society.

Do not live by constantly telling your child what to do, because in addition to spoiling him, you will be robbing him of the possibility of being independent.

7.- Communication

In the family you must have the disposition to be able to speak openly about what they feel and what they think in relation to any subject.

If you don’t allow your child to express his feelings, he will be unable to communicate and recognize any emotion in himself and in others.

8.- You will teach your children to solve problems

Help your child explore alternatives to solve a problem . The saying applies: “it is better to teach how to fish than to give the fish away”.

If you are used to imposing the solution, you take away the possibility of learning to face problems. As you grow up, you could become an insecure adult and unable to make decisions in your life.

9.- You will teach your children to be responsible

be a good dad

The father who establishes limits and rules at home allow children to decide what to do and to bear the consequences of their actions. This create responsible attitudes in your little ones.

Those who prevent their children from facing negative situations or the consequences of their actions, promote irresponsibility and low commitment in their children.

10.- You will accept your children

Like a good father you must accept your children as they are . We all have flaws and your children are no exception.

It is a matter of you being aware that there are some personality traits that are manifested from childhood and you should not try to change them.

You must not compare it With nothing and no one, accept that your boys will have very different tastes from others.

Being a good father means being a good life partner

Every parent wants to be the best for their children. However, many things go unnoticed in the process. Follow this decalogue and you will see that facing fatherhood becomes easier.

It is never too late to correct mistakes and become a positive influence on your children.

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