Bottle Hygiene

A large number of microorganisms can lodge on the surface of baby bottles, did you know? That is why you must learn to wash them properly. We help you with it.
Bottle hygiene

Mom and Dad have to face a great challenge when their little ones are born: to maintain cleanliness in all aspects. Speaking of this topic, we cannot forget the keys to achieve good hygiene of the baby’s bottle, before and after feeding, to avoid possible gastrointestinal and respiratory diseases.

We know that cleaning these objects at all times can be somewhat tedious, but remember that the health of your little one is at stake. In this sense , we recommend that you take an order with the cleaning of the bottles , with the aim of preventing them from being easily contaminated.

Cleaning the bottles prevents gastrointestinal and respiratory diseases

Some moms often use electric or microwave sterilizers to make this process easier . Undoubtedly, these devices are of great help because they save work, as long as you choose a good brand and it is in perfect condition. This way, no mistakes will be made that you can later regret.

Others prefer more traditional methods like wash them by hand with plenty of soap and water and then put them in a pot of boiling water . The heat will eliminate all the threats that are attached to the nipple and the container and will keep it in an environment isolated from the outside.

Bottle hygiene: hot or cold?


Sometimes, we feel a bit confused on this matter, because some pediatricians insist that sterilization of the bottle  is not necessary . However, what is essential for them is cleaning their hands before handling the utensils used to make the preparation.

Bottle sterilization gives many parents peace of mind

Despite this, many prefer to keep this practice as a routine, because they feel more confident . And, if we stop to think a little about the possible benefits, you will realize that it never hurts to do it to protect your little one.

However, there are two types of sterilizations that vary according to temperature . Let’s see what are the differences of each one:

  • Hot : When the water has reached its boiling point, you must place all the objects that you want to purify for a period of 15 to 20 minutes. There you can submerge bottles, nipples, pacifiers , glasses and those small toys that your little one puts in his mouth.
  • Cold : This method uses chemicals that are diluted with water. Although it is very effective, you will need to boil them from time to time with a little vinegar, to avoid the accumulation of deposits that contaminate the container.  

Of course, this doesn’t just apply if you’ve just fed your toddler. You should also be vigilant in the event that it falls to the floor or if the baby grabbed the nipple with his little hands. , especially if they have already started with the stage of crawl .

Additional tips for bottle hygiene

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Although cleaning these utensils is important to take care of the love of your life, you do not have to obsess over it . Therefore, we remind you that you can organize your time and plan the most appropriate time to wash them calmly and without pressure.

For this cleaning to be successful, you can use some implements that will help you keep these objects free of germs and bacteria:

  • Specialized brush : the length of these objects will allow you to reach the bottom of the container and clean the narrow spaces.
  • Bottle soap : certain products were designed to remove the impurities that remain in these containers. These soaps are useful, especially when you are away from home with your little one.
  • Clean cloth : It is useless to wash them and then dry them with the kitchen towel. Use one exclusively to remove moisture.
  • A pan : Use a new container to boil the bottles. Avoid using it to cook other things.

    If your child has already started drinking fruit juices  or soups, try using a bottle only for these substances , since they tend to be stained with the color of the fruits.

    Your baby needs a lot of love and great care so that they do not get sick. Think of your benefit at all times and you will see that it will be worth making any effort to be happy. . With a little patience and love, you will be proud to see him grow up healthy and strong.

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