Why Are Fruits Good Against The Flu?

Fruits are good against the flu because of their many nutritional properties and how healthy they are for the daily diet.
Why are fruits good against the flu?

When a flu virus infects the body, the body needs plenty of water to lighten the phlegm and make it clear the body more quickly.

Water helps prevent congestion in the nose and throat and serves to purify the body naturally.

As fruits contain a large amount of water, they are recommended to improve the health of the body and make it recover from all the ailments, such as those mentioned above, that are associated with contagion.

Fruits are good against the flu not only because of the amount of water they have, but because of their many other properties.

For you to expand on its importance in the treatment of the flu, in this post we decided to talk to you about it.

Fruits are good against the flu because they contain a lot of water


As we have already told you, fruits are highly recommended to treat flu due to the large amount of water they contain.

You should know that water is one of the most important elements for the health of the human body. Its deficit causes lack of concentration, irritability, severe headaches, dehydration, kidney disease, joint problems and even death.

Regarding the importance of water against the flu, it is essential that you know that the ingestion of the liquid serves as a regulator of the body’s temperature. When you have a fever, for example (one of the symptoms associated with many flu), drinking water helps the heat dissipate through sweat and the temperature drops.

Water is used to eliminate toxins that accumulate in the body, create new cells, and transport all nutrients to various places in the body. Something that favors the recovery of an individual after the attack of a virus such as the flu.

Fruits are good against the flu because they are rich in vitamins

Fruits are an important source of vitamins, and vitamins help the body fight and recover from the flu.

Fruits contain vitamins of the B complex, vitamin E, K …, but above all, they are highly appreciated for the concentration of ascorbic acid and retinol, which they have.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C, also called ascorbic acid, performs various functions in the body and strengthens the immune system. Among them it is essential to mention:

  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Prevents the reproduction of pathogens
  • Reduces asthma that occurs with colds
  • Works as a natural antihistamine to prevent allergies and coughs
  • It helps eliminate toxins
  • Promotes the absorption of other vitamins
  • Strengthens the body so it is less vulnerable to colds

The fruits richest in vitamin C that you can offer your child to fight the flu naturally are:

  • The lemon
  • Papaya
  • Tangerine
  • The Orange
  • Pineapple
  • Melon
  • Strawberries
  • The guava
  • The Kiwi
  • Grapefruit or grapefruit

Mom, it is important for you to know that vitamin C is resistant to heat. To take advantage of its benefits, whenever you can, give the fruits naturally to your little one.

fruits 1

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is another of the vitamins most present in fruits that helps prevent diseases and, in this case, the flu. You know that f ortalece immune function thereby preserving the human body to the spread of multiple infections.

Fruits rich in retinol (vitamin A) that you can offer your child the same to protect him from the flu or relieve him when he is already infected by the virus are:

  • The Peach
  • The apricots
  • Plums
  • The handle
  • Papaya
  • The grapefruit

Fruits are good against the flu because they are rich in minerals

Fruits, in general, are rich in Potassium, Magnesium, Iron and Calcium, each one with important contributions to the prevention of the flu.

Potassium, for example:

  • Participates in the regulation of water within the body
  • Cell regeneration

    Potassium can be found in abundance in bananas, apricots, cherries, peaches, grapes and plums.

    Mom, if your child has the flu, give him fruits to eat naturally, in juices or cocktails. Do not underestimate this gift that nature makes available to everyone.

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