The Use Of WhatsApp In Children

Children are extremely attracted to new technologies and the possibilities that they provide. They marvel at their instantaneousness and the chance to be connected with everyone, but as parents we must be alert to certain risks.
The use of WhatsApp in children

New technologies have spread to practically all sectors of society. As for the mobile, the use of WhatsApp in children is already something totally common. Have you had problems with your children because of this application? What should we do in these cases? We present some useful tips.

According to recent publications, 76% of Spanish children between 11 and 14 years of age use WhatsApp to converse with their close ones. This makes it clear that the ages at which parents give their children mobile phones are getting lower and lower.

On the other hand, the question arises as to whether it is okay for children so young to use this powerful tool. The problem is that, like many others, it is a double-edged sword. While it has great advantages, it can also lend itself to unproductive jobs.

Tips for a good use of WhatsApp in children

1.- Preserve privacy

Children tend to get carried away by the urge to tell absolutely everything that happens to them. Perhaps because they find it fun or to create bonds with others, they may come to tell things that it would be better to keep.

In this category we can include family information, events of close people or even gossip about another child. They should be taught that there are things that are best left unsaid. Once something is said, there is no turning back and the consequences cannot be controlled.

One recommendation: teach them to always ask themselves what would happen if what they send left their private circle before sending it. In this way, they will be able to discriminate whether it is convenient to send certain content or not.

The use of WhatsApp in children is a double-edged sword.

2. Raise awareness about the harm of bullying

A very common practice among WhatsApp groups at school or at the club is to make fun of a classmate for something. While it can be funny at first, even for the one who gets the joke, it can turn into torment. When it hurts, it’s no longer a joke.

The difficult thing about this is that parents often do not perceive it. Therefore, it is essential to be aware of the use of WhatsApp in children and dialogue with them.

3. Control access to information not suitable for their age

Those of us who use this messaging service know that many times inappropriate things circulate even for adults. Therefore, we must have some control over what our children receive in groups or in chats.

If you see something that you find unpleasant, ask your child to leave the group. You will surely not like it and will argue that you will look ‘bad’ in front of your friends, but you must understand that the media must be used responsibly.

4. Make sure they spend time without their mobile

The instantaneity of the talks makes us feel the need to respond right away. And the same happens when we wait for a reply. However, this does not have to be the case.

There are times when, if it is not an emergency, WhatsApp must wait. When we are with friends, when studying or during family meals, it is advisable to put the mobile aside.

Therefore, before giving a cell phone to their children, it is advisable for parents to ask themselves if they really need it and if they have the necessary maturity to manage its use.

5. Warn about dialogue with strangers

Being practically another social network, the use of WhatsApp in children leads to conversations with strangers. This, which in childhood may seem like fun, opens the door to many imposters who seek to take inappropriate advantage.

Therefore, it is essential that you warn your child about the dangers of sharing talks with people they do not know. Much less, obviously, send photos, videos or even the location of their houses, something very simple with this program.

The use of WhatsApp in children has expanded considerably.

Responsible use of WhatsApp should be encouraged

Beyond the warnings made here, we must emphasize that it is a very useful tool. You can connect a family instantly; It will also allow you to be aware of what your child is doing, especially if he is going on a trip or is away.

However, like any comfort, it also carries the responsibility not to abuse its use. With comprehensive but firm rules you can ensure that the use of WhatsApp in the children of your family does not become a drama without a solution.

Finally, don’t forget to lead by example. If you spend the day wasting your time on your cell phone, it is very likely that your child will adopt this behavior. On the other hand, if you promote their sensible use from action, it will be easier for you to impart these values ​​to your children.

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