How Are Pacifiers For Children Made?

It may seem old-fashioned to children used to screens and virtual reality, but the Pacman still has its undeniable charm. Prepare one or more for your little ones and give them many different alternatives to play and learn.
How are pacifiers for children made?

Who hasn’t spent hours playing with a little kite? This simple entertainment, in addition to being extremely fun to play with friends, allows you to be distracted even from its preparation. Next, we leave you a step by step on how to make pacifiers for children.

Far from the screens and the varied options offered by new technologies, the kite for children is an inexpensive and simple alternative. To make this craft, you will only need paper and some fibrones. If you want to find a game to entertain the little ones, don’t miss this option.

Instructions for making a kite for children

Paper preparation

To start, take a sheet of paper; Although any can be, it is better to take an A4 size, preferably colored. Since we will actually need a square paper, fold one of the corners and join it with the bottom side of the sheet, more or less at the height of 2/3 of the length. Then cut out the rectangle that has been formed. Keep the square to continue working.

As you will see, it will already have an end-to-end diagonal marked; proceed to mark the opposite diagonal, so that there is an X in the middle. Do this by joining the two corners that are not crossed by the fold mark.

Comecocs for children can be combined with challenges and prizes to give more fun to group games.

Confection of the comecocos

Once the previous steps have been completed, you will have a square of paper with an X in the middle. The next step is to bring each of the corners of the square to the center of this X. Then, turn the paper over and fold each corner to the center, just as you did before. At the end of this step, you should have the same model on both sides; that is, a background square with four triangles that meet in the center. These, in turn, have a fold that divides them in half.

Then fold the kite in half. Do it first in width and then in length. Finally, insert your fingers from below in the four parts that will be delimited by squares of paper; put your fingers in the middle, and voila! You have managed to make a kite for children in just a few minutes.

Pacifier customization for kids

If something distinguishes comecocos, it is that each one has a particular design; generally, this is according to the tastes of whoever made it. If you haven’t used colored paper, a great idea is to paint each triangle — the ones you folded toward the center at the beginning — a different color. As you already know, this part must contain a legend on its lower face; so that when we are chosen, we turn the paper over and find out what it says.

Regarding this, there are many different options of messages to write. These will depend on the environment in which the game takes place, the age of the children and the number of participants. Some ideas for this are:

  • Positive Messages – Great for young children. Examples: ‘You are a great person’, ‘Something nice will happen to you today’.
  • Challenges or rewards: For birthdays, for example, it is fun to put up challenges or prizes. Thus, depending on the luck of the participant, something good or bad can happen. In order not to repeat, it is convenient to have several kites for children for this use.
  • Didactic: yes, pacifiers can also be used for learning. In subjects such as mathematics, English or geography, questions can be written that whoever chooses it must answer.
  • Guessing kites: A very fun game is to put animal names on the kites. Then, whoever chooses them will have to imitate their sounds so that the rest of the group can guess what has happened to them.

Just like you are, there are many other alternatives. It can be used for housework or to choose entertainment when several children prefer a different option, among others. What matters above all is that it is a fun activity for the little ones.

Pacifiers for children will allow you to spend quality time with your little ones.

How to play with a kite for children?

The use that is given will depend on the messages that are inside. The basic form consists of choosing a number to determine the possibilities of colors that can be chosen later. However, for slightly older children, you can also ask for the name of a known person. So, for example, if you’ve chosen the name ‘Laura’, you count to two — by the two syllables of the word — and then you pick a color. The message that is discovered will be related to that person; ‘Laura owes you a gift’ could be a case.

Comecocos for children are a classic but very effective option. Their main virtue is that they can always have new uses. In addition, they offer you the perfect opportunity to spend fun times with the children, they are ideal for playing with the family!

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